US Lawyer Database

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Section 4-1001 – Definitions

    (a)    In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.     (b)    “Fund” means the Neighborhood Housing Services Fund.     (c)    “Neighborhood corporation” means a neighborhood housing services corporation established in connection with the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation.     (d)    (1)    “Operating budget” means the money necessary to operate a neighborhood corporation, including money to pay:             (i)    administrative, technical, legal, or other expenses; and […]

Section 4-1004 – Grants

    (a)    To be eligible for a grant under this subtitle, a neighborhood corporation or umbrella corporation shall:         (1)    submit a timely application in the form that the Secretary prescribes;         (2)    create a board of directors composed of:             (i)    a member of the General Assembly;             (ii)    neighborhood residents;             (iii)    representatives of local financial institutions; and             (iv)    representatives of local political subdivisions, if not […]

Section 4-1005 – Maximum Grant Amounts

    (a)    (1)    Each eligible neighborhood corporation may apply for a grant in an amount up to $50,000 that does not exceed one-third of its annual operating budget.         (2)    Each umbrella corporation may apply for a grant for each program under its supervision in an amount up to $50,000 that does not exceed one-third of the annual operating budget […]