(a) A policy of health insurance may contain the following provision: “Other insurance in this insurer: If an accident or sickness or accident and sickness policy or policies previously issued by the insurer to the insured be in force concurrently herewith, making the aggregate indemnity for …….. (insert type of coverage or coverages) in excess of […]
(a) A policy of health insurance may contain the following provision: “Insurance with other insurers: If there be other valid coverage, not with this insurer, providing benefits for the same loss on a provision of service basis or on an expense incurred basis and of which this insurer has not been given written notice prior to […]
(a) A policy of health insurance may contain the following provision: “Insurance with other insurers: If there be other valid coverage, not with this insurer, providing benefits for the same loss on other than an expense incurred basis and of which this insurer has not been given written notice prior to the occurrence or commencement of […]
(a) A policy of health insurance may contain the following provision: “Relation of earnings to insurance: If the total monthly amount of loss-of-time benefits promised for the same loss under all valid loss-of-time coverage upon the insured, whether payable on a weekly or monthly basis, shall exceed the monthly earnings of the insured at the time […]
A policy of health insurance may contain the following provision: “Unpaid premiums: Upon the payment of a claim under this policy, any premium then due and unpaid or covered by any note or written order may be deducted therefrom.”
A policy of health insurance may contain the following provision: “Conformity with state statutes: Any provision of this policy which, on its effective date is in conflict with the statutes of the state in which the insured resides on such date is hereby amended to conform to the minimum requirements of such statutes.”