(a) (1) The Commission is a body corporate. (2) The Commission may: (i) use a common seal; (ii) sue and be sued; and (iii) do any other corporate act for the purpose of carrying out this division. (b) (1) The Commission shall certify to the county councils of Montgomery County and Prince George’s County a tax rate that will, when imposed and collected […]
(a) The Commission: (1) before January 15 of each year, shall prepare capital and operating budgets for the next fiscal year that shall include projects and contracts authorized under §§ 17–204 and 17–205 of this subtitle; (2) shall make available to the public, on request, copies of the budgets described in item (1) of this subsection; (3) before February […]
Approval by the governing bodies of Montgomery County and Prince George’s County is required before the construction of any new Commission administration building or any substantial addition to an existing Commission administration building.
(a) (1) Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Commission may enter into a contract or agreement concerning the construction, maintenance, and operation of the water supply, sewer, or drainage systems under its control or under the control or ownership of the District of Columbia or any other agency, authority, or commission specified in this section. […]
(a) In this section, “product” or “technology” does not include water or sewer service provided as part of the primary mission of the Commission in the sanitary district or through systems connected directly to and operated as part of the water and sewer system in the sanitary district. (b) Subject to subsection (d) of this section, the […]
(a) The Commission may finance initial program development costs and other project costs for a project subject to this subtitle from Commission funding sources other than revenue bond proceeds only if those costs are reimbursed from project revenues. (b) In any fiscal year, funding of initial program development costs and other project costs under subsection (a) of […]