(a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated. (b) (1) “Major project” means an extension, project, or program of water and sewer facilities. (2) “Major project” includes: (i) a sewer main at least 15 inches in diameter; (ii) a water main at least 16 inches in diameter; and (iii) a sewage or water pumping station, force main, and storage […]
(a) In this subtitle, the requirements and responsibilities of the county executives and county councils or successor forms of governments shall be performed separately or jointly by the branches of the respective county governments as provided by charter or other law. (b) The designation of a specific branch of county government is not intended to expand, limit, […]
A Program shall include: (1) the major projects that the Commission determines may be required in each of the next 6 fiscal years: (i) in the sanitary district; and (ii) in geographical areas outside the sanitary district that the Commission determines are appropriate to include in the Program; (2) a statement of the objectives and the relationship to the […]
(a) Before October 1 of each year, the Commission shall prepare and submit a Program to the County Executive and County Council of Montgomery County and the County Executive of Prince George’s County. (b) In Montgomery County, the County Executive shall submit recommendations and suggested amendments about the Program to the County Council as an integral part […]
(a) Before final action on a Program is taken, public hearings shall be held on the Program. (b) The public hearings may be conducted in conjunction with public hearings on the 6–year programs or capital budgets of Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, or other agencies.
(a) The county councils of Montgomery County and Prince George’s County shall approve, disapprove, or modify a Program. (b) The county councils of Montgomery County and Prince George’s County shall seek the advice and recommendation of the Maryland–National Capital Park and Planning Commission in reviewing a Program. (c) The county councils of Montgomery County and Prince George’s County […]
(a) If the statement of objectives included in the Program as provided in § 23–303 of this subtitle declares that a major project to be constructed in whole or in part in one county is designed to provide services in whole or in substantial part to the other county, the major project may be disapproved with […]
In approving or modifying a Program, if Montgomery County or Prince George’s County approves a major project for which money from the anticipated sources of funding shown by the Commission under § 23–303 of this subtitle is insufficient, the Commission is not obligated to undertake the major project unless the county approving the major project […]
(a) If the Commission becomes legally liable to a third party as a direct result of a modification of a previous approval of a major project by Montgomery County or Prince George’s County, the county directing the change is responsible for the liability that results from the change. (b) The County Executive or County Council of Montgomery […]
(a) If the Commission has made expenditures to a third party for services or property as part of an approved major project that is subsequently modified or removed by Montgomery County or Prince George’s County so that the services or property are no longer necessary, the county directing the modification or removal shall reimburse the Commission […]
Within 5 days after final action on a Program, the county councils of Montgomery County and Prince George’s County shall submit to the Commission notification of final action, including: (1) the details of changes or modifications; and (2) evidence of compliance with specified requirements of this subtitle that may be applicable to the final action.
(a) The Commission shall: (1) review each Program; (2) revise each Program as required by a final action of the county councils of Montgomery County and Prince George’s County; and (3) adopt each Program before the beginning of the first fiscal year of that Program. (b) The Commission’s capital budget for the first fiscal year of each Program approved by […]
(a) The Commission shall submit a final report, including construction cost figures, on completed major projects to the county executive and county council of Montgomery County or Prince George’s County. (b) (1) When the Commission submits a Program under § 23–304 of this subtitle, the Commission shall include a status report of all approved major projects that have […]
(a) Unless the county councils of Montgomery County and Prince George’s County have approved the extension, the Commission: (1) may not extend or approve construction of a sewer of any size or capacity to serve property in either county beyond the area that has been approved for service in a Program and the 10–year water and sewer […]
(a) This section applies only in Prince George’s County. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, the Commission may provide sanitary sewer service in drainage areas that are tributary to county–approved trunk sewers and county–approved pumping stations outside of the county–approved service areas. (c) Property to which sanitary sewer service is provided under this section […]
(a) It is the intent of the General Assembly that the Commission, the Maryland–National Capital Park and Planning Commission, and the county executives and county councils of Montgomery County and Prince George’s County cooperate to the fullest extent in seeking to attain maximum harmony of water and sanitary sewer construction programs with the other elements of […]