The Commission and Anne Arundel County may enter into a contract for the Commission to construct, operate, and maintain a water system in Anne Arundel County for the purpose of supplying water to: (1) the corrective institution of the District of Columbia, as authorized by Chapter 434 of the Acts of 1953, or its successor, if […]
To carry out this subtitle, the Commission may: (1) enter on a public roadway as provided in § 27–101 of this article without receiving a permit from or paying a fee to Anne Arundel County; (2) acquire property in Anne Arundel County in the same way as provided for acquiring property in Prince George’s County in Title […]
Except as provided in Commission regulations, a person may not use, handle, tamper with, obstruct, interfere with, deface, or destroy any part of the water system constructed by the Commission under this subtitle, including pipes, fittings, fireplugs, pumps, engines, appliances, wires, or other fixtures or equipment.