(a) The purpose of this title is to further the public interest and aeronautical progress by: (1) Promoting safety in and protecting aeronautics; (2) Cooperating to promote uniformity of aeronautics laws and regulations in the several states, consistent with federal aeronautics laws and regulations; (3) Granting powers to the Administration and imposing duties on it to enable this State […]
(a) The law of this State defines and governs all crimes, torts, and other wrongs committed in flight over this State. (b) All contractual and other legal relations entered into by any person while in flight over this State have the same effect as if entered into on the land or water beneath.
(a) Except where granted to and assumed by the federal government under a constitutional grant from the people of this State, sovereignty in the space above the lands and waters of this State rests in this State. (b) The ownership of the space above the lands and waters of this State is vested in the owner of […]
If a political subdivision has the power to appropriate money, it annually may impose a tax in the political subdivision and appropriate an amount sufficient to carry out its powers and duties under this title.
Notwithstanding any other provision of State or local law, the establishment of a commercial use airport in the sixth election district of Queen Anne’s County is prohibited.