Section 10. Any defendant who is charged with a drug offense shall, upon being brought before the court on such charge, be informed that he is entitled to request an examination to determine whether or not he is a drug dependent person who would benefit by treatment, and that if he chooses to exercise such […]
Section 11. Any person found guilty of a violation of any law other than a drug offense, who prior to disposition of the charge, states that he is a drug dependent person, and requests an examination shall be examined by an addiction specialist to determine whether or not he is a drug dependent person who […]
Section 12. Any court may, in placing on probation a defendant who is a drug dependent person who would benefit by treatment, impose as a condition of probation that the defendant receive treatment in a facility as an inpatient or outpatient; provided, however, that the court shall not impose such a condition of probation unless, […]
Section 13. The division shall accept for referral juveniles and youthful offenders referred to the division by the department of youth services. Application by the department of youth services for such referral shall be made to the director. Upon receipt by the director of a request for referral from the youth service board, he shall, […]
Section 13A. The division shall, in accordance with this section, accept for referral children determined to be in need of services under section 39G of chapter 119 and referred to the division by the department of children and families, hereinafter referred to as the department, or by the juvenile court. Such referral shall be made […]
Section 14. Each finding, determination and order required to be made by any court pursuant to this chapter, and the reasons therefor, shall be in writing and entered in the record of the proceeding.
Section 15. The director may require the administrator of a public facility or a private facility with which the division contracts on a fee-for-services basis pursuant to clause (4) of section six, other than a halfway house, to admit as an inpatient or an outpatient any person for whom, in the determination of the director, […]
Section 16. Each person who receives treatment at a facility shall be subject to the supervisory powers of the administrator exercised in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the division.
Section 17. Any patient in a public facility, or the estate, spouse or adult child of such patient, or, if the patient is a minor, the parent of such patient if of sufficient financial ability, shall be liable to such facility for the cost of maintenance and treatment of the patient therein in accordance with […]
Section 18. (a) The administrator of each facility shall keep a record of treatment afforded each patient, which shall be confidential and shall only be made available upon judicial order, whether in connection with pending judicial proceedings or otherwise, where disclosure is authorized by section 408 of the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of […]
Section 2. There shall be in the department a division of drug rehabilitation. The division shall take cognizance of all matters affecting drug dependency in the commonwealth. The director shall be the chief administrative and executive officer of the division. He shall administer the rules and regulations of the division and shall prepare proposed rules […]
Section 4. The director shall, subject to the approval of the commissioner, prepare and submit to the governor, and from time to time amend, a comprehensive plan for the treatment in public, private, and federal facilities of drug dependent persons and persons in need of immediate assistance due to the use of a dependency related […]
Section 5. The division shall establish a comprehensive program for the treatment of drug dependent persons and persons in need of immediate assistance due to the use of a dependency related drug. The director, subject to the approval of the commissioner, shall divide the commonwealth into not less than four nor more than ten regions […]
Section 6. The division is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to: (1) Plan, construct, establish, cause to be established and maintain such facilities as may be necessary or desirable for the conduct of its program; (2) Acquire, hold and dispose of personal property; (3) Acquire by purchase or otherwise, on such terms and conditions and […]
Section 7. The department shall issue for a term of two years, and may renew for like terms, a license, subject to revocation by it for cause, to any person, partnership, corporation, society, association or other agency or entity of any kind, other than a licensed general hospital or a department, agency or institution of […]
Section 8. Any person who believes that he is a drug dependent person may apply for admission to a facility. Such application may be directed either to the director or to the administrator of a public or private facility. Upon receipt by the director of an application for admission, he shall designate a psychiatrist or, […]
Section 9. Any facility may afford emergency treatment to a drug dependent person or a person in need of immediate assistance due to the use of a dependency related drug if the person requests such treatment. The term of emergency treatment shall not exceed forty-eight hours without compliance with the provisions of section eight relating […]
Section 9A. For purposes of this section, ”incapacitated” shall mean the condition of a person who, by reason of the consumption of a controlled substance or toxic vapor or other substance other than alcohol is: (i) unconscious; (ii) in need of medical attention; (iii) likely to suffer or cause physical harm or damage property; or […]