Section 2. The department shall establish a state wide system of programs providing early intervention services. The department shall be the sole source of state funds for early intervention services; provided, however, that reimbursement for such services shall be allowed pursuant to section six of chapter one hundred and eighteen E. The department shall be […]
Section 3. The commissioner shall appoint an advisory committee which shall consist of fifteen members, including one representative from each of the following state agencies: the department of public health, the department of mental health, the department of developmental services, the department of education, the department of transitional assistance, the department of children and families […]
Section 4. The division, with the advice of the advisory committee, shall investigate alternative revenue sources for early intervention services. A system of payments by families shall be established which promotes accessibility to services to all families in need of such services. This system may include a schedule of sliding fees developed in accordance with […]
Section 5. The division shall monitor and assess the effectiveness of early intervention services. Programs which are in receipt of state or federal funding for early intervention services shall report such information relative to program models, characteristics of clients, expenditures, and other material information as the division, with the advice of the advisory committee, shall […]
Section 6. Whenever transportation to early intervention services is required, the department shall provide transportation with respect to said services. The department shall take appropriate steps to ensure the safety of all persons transported under this section. If the department determines that said persons cannot be transported safely without the assistance of monitors, said transporting […]