Section 10. The department of public health, in consultation with the division of medical assistance, the center for health information and analysis and the department of mental health, shall take all necessary steps to maximize and coordinate the availability of federal financial participation under Title XIX of the Social Security Act for the program established […]
Section 11. The commission shall report annually to the governor and the senate and house committees on ways and means. The report shall include information about the number of participants in the program, average expenditures per participant, the nature and type of catastrophic illnesses for which the fund provided financial assistance and the average income […]
Section 2. (a) There is hereby established a catastrophic illness in children relief fund commission within the department of public health. The commission shall consist of the secretary of health and human services, the commissioner of public health, the commissioner of insurance and the state treasurer, who shall be members ex officio, and seven public […]
Section 3. (a) Each public member of the commission may be removed from the office by the governor for cause, after a public hearing, and may be suspended by the governor pending the completion of the hearing. Before entering upon their duties, members of the commission shall take and subscribe an oath to perform the […]
Section 4. (a) The members shall elect a chairperson and chief executive officer of the commission who shall be one of the public members of the commission. The commission shall by rule determine the term of office of the chairperson and chief executive officer. The members shall elect a secretary and a treasurer who need […]
Section 5. The commission shall have the following powers and duties:— (a) to establish a program to administer the fund and authorize the payment or medical reimbursement of the medical and related expenses of children with catastrophic illnesses; (b) to establish procedures for applying to the fund, determining the eligibility for the payment or reimbursement […]
Section 6. The commission may negotiate or settle a claim that the fund maintains for reimbursement against a family who has received assistance for the medical expenses of a child with a catastrophic illness and who has recovered damages in a legal action for such expenses. A reimbursement shall be less the expense of any […]
Section 7. A child who is a resident of the commonwealth shall be eligible, through his or her parent or guardian, to apply to the program. As part of the application process, the commission shall screen each applicant for other sources of coverage and for potential eligibility for government programs, and to document the results […]
Section 8. Whenever a child has a catastrophic illness and is eligible for the program, the child, through his parent or guardian, may receive financial assistance from monies in the fund subject to the rules and regulations established by the commission and the availability of monies in the fund. The financial assistance shall include, but […]
Section 9. To provide the monies necessary to establish and meet the purposes of the fund, the commission shall receive out of the employer medical assistance contribution under section 189 of chapter 149, $1 annually for each employee whose wages determine such employer’s total employer medical assistance contribution under said section 189 of said chapter […]