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Article VII § 10 Removal of County Seat.

§ 10 Removal of county seat. Sec. 10. A county seat once established shall not be removed until the place to which it is proposed to be moved shall be designated by two-thirds of the members of the board of supervisors and a majority of the electors voting thereon shall have approved the proposed location […]

Article VII § 11 Indebtedness, Limitation.

§ 11 Indebtedness, limitation. Sec. 11. No county shall incur any indebtedness which shall increase its total debt beyond 10 percent of its assessed valuation. History: Const. 1963, Art. VII, § 11, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964 Former Constitution: See Const. 1908, Art. VIII, § 12.

Article VII § 12 Navigable Streams, Permission to Bridge or Dam.

§ 12 Navigable streams, permission to bridge or dam. Sec. 12. A navigable stream shall not be bridged or dammed without permission granted by the board of supervisors of the county as provided by law, which permission shall be subject to such reasonable compensation and other conditions as may seem best suited to safeguard the […]

Article VII § 13 Consolidation of Counties, Approval by Electors.

§ 13 Consolidation of counties, approval by electors. Sec. 13. Two or more contiguous counties may combine into a single county if approved in each affected county by a majority of the electors voting on the question. History: Const. 1963, Art. VII, § 13, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964

Article VII § 14 Organization and Consolidation of Townships.

§ 14 Organization and consolidation of townships. Sec. 14. The board of supervisors of each organized county may organize and consolidate townships under restrictions and limitations provided by law. History: Const. 1963, Art. VII, § 14, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964 Former Constitution: See Const. 1908, Art. VIII, § 15.

Article VII § 15 County Intervention in Public Utility Service and Rate Proceedings.

§ 15 County intervention in public utility service and rate proceedings. Sec. 15. Any county, when authorized by its board of supervisors shall have the authority to enter or to intervene in any action or certificate proceeding involving the services, charges or rates of any privately owned public utility furnishing services or commodities to rate […]

Article VII § 16 Highways, Bridges, Culverts, Airports; Road Tax Limitation.

§ 16 Highways, bridges, culverts, airports; road tax limitation. Sec. 16. The legislature may provide for the laying out, construction, improvement and maintenance of highways, bridges, culverts and airports by the state and by the counties and townships thereof; and may authorize counties to take charge and control of any highway within their limits for […]

Article VII § 18 Township Officers; Term, Powers and Duties.

§ 18 Township officers; term, powers and duties. Sec. 18. In each organized township there shall be elected for terms of not less than two nor more than four years as prescribed by law a supervisor, a clerk, a treasurer, and not to exceed four trustees, whose legislative and administrative powers and duties shall be […]

Article VII § 19 Township Public Utility Franchises.

§ 19 Township public utility franchises. Sec. 19. No organized township shall grant any public utility franchise which is not subject to revocation at the will of the township, unless the proposition shall first have been approved by a majority of the electors of such township voting thereon at a regular or special election. History: […]

Article VII § 2 County Charters.

§ 2 County charters. Sec. 2. Any county may frame, adopt, amend or repeal a county charter in a manner and with powers and limitations to be provided by general law, which shall among other things provide for the election of a charter commission. The law may permit the organization of county government in form […]

Article VII § 20 Townships, Dissolution; Villages as Cities.

§ 20 Townships, dissolution; villages as cities. Sec. 20. The legislature shall provide by law for the dissolution of township government whenever all the territory of an organized township is included within the boundaries of a village or villages notwithstanding that a village may include territory within another organized township and provide by law for […]

Article VII § 21 Cities and Villages; Incorporation, Taxes, Indebtedness.

§ 21 Cities and villages; incorporation, taxes, indebtedness. Sec. 21. The legislature shall provide by general laws for the incorporation of cities and villages. Such laws shall limit their rate of ad valorem property taxation for municipal purposes, and restrict the powers of cities and villages to borrow money and contract debts. Each city and […]

Article VII § 22 Charters, Resolutions, Ordinances; Enumeration of Powers.

§ 22 Charters, resolutions, ordinances; enumeration of powers. Sec. 22. Under general laws the electors of each city and village shall have the power and authority to frame, adopt and amend its charter, and to amend an existing charter of the city or village heretofore granted or enacted by the legislature for the government of […]

Article VII § 23 Parks, Boulevards, Cemeteries, Hospitals.

§ 23 Parks, boulevards, cemeteries, hospitals. Sec. 23. Any city or village may acquire, own, establish and maintain, within or without its corporate limits, parks, boulevards, cemeteries, hospitals and all works which involve the public health or safety. History: Const. 1963, Art. VII, § 23, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964 Former Constitution: See Const. 1908, Art. […]

Article VII § 24 Public Service Facilities.

§ 24 Public service facilities. Sec. 24. Subject to this constitution, any city or village may acquire, own or operate, within or without its corporate limits, public service facilities for supplying water, light, heat, power, sewage disposal and transportation to the municipality and the inhabitants thereof. Any city or village may sell and deliver heat, […]

Article VII § 25 Public Utilities; Acquisition, Franchises, Sale.

§ 25 Public utilities; acquisition, franchises, sale. Sec. 25. No city or village shall acquire any public utility furnishing light, heat or power, or grant any public utility franchise which is not subject to revocation at the will of the city or village, unless the proposition shall first have been approved by three-fifths of the […]

Article VII § 26 Cities and Villages, Loan of Credit.

§ 26 Cities and villages, loan of credit. Sec. 26. Except as otherwise provided in this constitution, no city or village shall have the power to loan its credit for any private purpose or, except as provided by law, for any public purpose. History: Const. 1963, Art. VII, § 26, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964

Article VII § 27 Metropolitan Governments and Authorities.

§ 27 Metropolitan governments and authorities. Sec. 27. Notwithstanding any other provision of this constitution the legislature may establish in metropolitan areas additional forms of government or authorities with powers, duties and jurisdictions as the legislature shall provide. Wherever possible, such additional forms of government or authorities shall be designed to perform multipurpose functions rather […]