141.1451 Short title. Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the “safe drinking water financial assistance act”. History: 2000, Act 147, Eff. Oct. 1, 2000 Compiler’s Notes: For transfer of powers and duties of department of environmental quality to department of natural resources and environment, see E.R.O. No. 2009-31, compiled […]
141.1452 Definitions. Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) “Assistance” means that term as it is defined in part 54 of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.5401 to 324.5418. (b) “Community water supply” means that term as it is defined in part 54 of the natural resources and […]
141.1453 Notes or bonds; issuance; use; limitation; sale to Michigan municipal bond authority. Sec. 3. Subject to this act, a governmental unit may issue notes or bonds and use the proceeds of the notes or bonds for planning for the acquisition, construction, improvement, or installation of real or personal property comprising all or a portion […]
141.1454 Notes or bonds; issuance; authorization by resolution; provisions. Sec. 4. Notes or bonds issued under this act shall be authorized by a resolution of the governing body of the governmental unit, which may pledge the full faith and credit of the governmental unit to the payment of the principal of and interest on the […]
141.1455 Construction of act; purpose; restriction. Sec. 5. This act shall be construed as cumulative authority for the exercise of the powers granted under this act. The purpose of this act is to create full and complete additional and alternate methods for the exercise of these powers, and the powers conferred by this act shall […]