331.531 Providing information or data to review entity regarding physical condition, psychological condition, health care of person, or qualifications of provider; “review entity” defined; liability; disciplinary actions to be reported to department of community health. Sec. 1. (1) A person, organization, or entity may provide to a review entity information or data relating to the […]
331.532 Release or publication of proceedings, reports, findings, and conclusions of review entity; purposes; release of department of corrections’ records regarding prisoners to legislative corrections ombudsman. Sec. 2. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), the release or publication of a record of the proceedings or of the reports, findings, and conclusions of a review […]
331.533 Confidentiality. Sec. 3. The identity of a person whose condition or treatment has been studied under this act is confidential and a review entity shall remove the person’s name and address from the record before the review entity releases or publishes a record of its proceedings, or its reports, findings, and conclusions. Except as […]
331.534 Creation of nonpunitive, confidential reporting system by qualified hospital patient safety organization; public report; definitions. Sec. 4. (1) Beginning January 1, 2009, a qualified hospital patient safety organization shall create a nonpunitive, confidential reporting system to collect data regarding serious adverse events that occur in hospitals for the purpose of improving patient safety and […]