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Home » US Law » 2022 Michigan Compiled Laws » Chapter 38 - Civil Service and Retirement » Act 240 of 1943 - State Employees' Retirement Act (38.1 - 38.69)

Section 38.17m – Purchase of Service Credit; Limitation; Refund.

38.17m Purchase of service credit; limitation; refund. Sec. 17m. (1) A member may elect to purchase not more than 5 years of service credit less the number of years of service credit purchased under sections 17e, 17f, and 17k, upon request and payment to the retirement system of the actuarial cost. (2) Service credit purchased […]

Section 38.17n – City Employee; Transfer or Purchase of Service Credit.

38.17n City employee; transfer or purchase of service credit. Sec. 17n. (1) A member may transfer or purchase service credit earned when the member was an employee of a city with a population over 750,000 if all of the following apply: (a) The member became a member on September 1, 1981. (b) The member was […]

Section 38.19 – Retirement Upon Written Application to Retirement Board; Retirement Without Reduction in Retirement Allowance; Definitions; Layoff Status Because Agency or Inpatient Facility Designated for Closure; Conditions; Certification; Application; Funding Additional Costs; Employees of State Accident Fund, Michigan Biologic Products Institute, or Liquor Control Commission.

38.19 Retirement upon written application to retirement board; retirement without reduction in retirement allowance; definitions; layoff status because agency or inpatient facility designated for closure; conditions; certification; application; funding additional costs; employees of state accident fund, Michigan biologic products institute, or liquor control commission. Sec. 19. (1) A member who is 60 years of age […]

Section 38.19a – Retirement Upon Satisfaction of Certain Requirements; Monthly Retirement Allowance Supplement; Benefits, Salary, or Remuneration Precluding Payment Under Subsection (2); Payment of Sick Leave; Payment by Retirement System; Amount Payable by Principal Departments; Member Considered Retirant; Deposit by Principal Department; Use of Deposits; Exception; Monthly Payment by Michigan Employment Security Commission; Service Credit for Participation in Pay Reduction Plan C; Death of Retirant or Applicant for Retirement.

38.19a Retirement upon satisfaction of certain requirements; monthly retirement allowance supplement; benefits, salary, or remuneration precluding payment under subsection (2); payment of sick leave; payment by retirement system; amount payable by principal departments; member considered retirant; deposit by principal department; use of deposits; exception; monthly payment by Michigan employment security commission; service credit for participation […]

Section 38.19b – Right to Retire and Receive Retirement Allowance Computed Under MCL 38.20(1); Application Period; Requirements; Payment for Accumulated Sick Leave in 60 Monthly Installments.

38.19b Right to retire and receive retirement allowance computed under MCL 38.20(1); application period; requirements; payment for accumulated sick leave in 60 monthly installments. Sec. 19b. (1) Notwithstanding section 19, a member may retire and receive a retirement allowance computed under section 20(1) if the member meets all of the following requirements: (a) On the […]

Section 38.19c – Right to Retire and Receive Retirement Allowance Computed Under MCL 38.20(1); Application Period; Requirements; Payment for Accumulated Sick Leave in 60 Monthly Installments.

38.19c Right to retire and receive retirement allowance computed under MCL 38.20(1); application period; requirements; payment for accumulated sick leave in 60 monthly installments. Sec. 19c. (1) Notwithstanding section 19, a member may retire and receive a retirement allowance computed under section 20(1) if the member meets all of the following requirements: (a) On the […]

Section 38.19d – Right to Retire and Receive Retirement Allowance Computed Under MCL 38.20(1); Application Period; Requirements; Payment for Accumulated Sick Leave in 60 Monthly Installments.

38.19d Right to retire and receive retirement allowance computed under MCL 38.20(1); application period; requirements; payment for accumulated sick leave in 60 monthly installments. Sec. 19d. (1) Notwithstanding section 19, a member may retire and receive a retirement allowance computed under section 20(1) if the member meets all of the following requirements: (a) On the […]

Section 38.19e – Right to Retire and Receive Retirement Allowance Computed Under MCL 38.20(1); Application Period; Requirements; Payment for Amounts Entitled to Receive at Retirement.

38.19e Right to retire and receive retirement allowance computed under MCL 38.20(1); application period; requirements; payment for amounts entitled to receive at retirement. Sec. 19e. (1) Notwithstanding section 19, a member may retire and receive a retirement allowance computed under section 20(1) if the member meets all of the following requirements: (a) On the effective […]

Section 38.19f – Retirement and Receipt of Retirement Allowance; Requirements; Accumulated Sick Leave; Request to Extend Effective Date of Retirement; Calculation; State Contract Prohibited.

38.19f Retirement and receipt of retirement allowance; requirements; accumulated sick leave; request to extend effective date of retirement; calculation; state contract prohibited. Sec. 19f. (1) Notwithstanding section 19, a member may retire and receive a retirement allowance computed under this section if the member meets all of the following requirements: (a) On the effective date […]

Section 38.19g – Member Meeting Certain Requirements on or Before November 1, 2002; Computation of Retirement Allowance; Payment of Accumulated Sick Leave or Annual Leave; Extension of Effective Date; Participant in Tier 2.

38.19g Member meeting certain requirements on or before November 1, 2002; computation of retirement allowance; payment of accumulated sick leave or annual leave; extension of effective date; participant in Tier 2. Sec. 19g. (1) Notwithstanding section 19, a member may retire and receive a retirement allowance computed under this section if the member meets all […]

Section 38.19h – Payments Not Tax Exempt and Subject to Certain Operations of Law.

38.19h Payments not tax exempt and subject to certain operations of law. Sec. 19h. Payments made after September 30, 1991, under sections 19b(2), 19c(2), 19d(2), 19e(2), and 19f(3) are not pensions, annuities, retirement allowances, optional benefits, or any other rights described in section 40(1), are not exempt from taxation, are subject to execution, garnishment, attachment, […]

Section 38.19i – Retirement Allowance; Computation; Accumulated Sick Leave; Purchase of Service Credit; Hiring Under Contract; Limitation.

38.19i Retirement allowance; computation; accumulated sick leave; purchase of service credit; hiring under contract; limitation. Sec. 19i. (1) Notwithstanding section 19, a member may retire and receive a retirement allowance computed under this section if the member meets all of the following requirements: (a) On or before December 31, 2002, or on the effective date […]

Section 38.19j – Retirement; Requirements; Accumulated Annual Leave, Sick Leave, and Deferred Leave Hours; Forfeiture; Inclusion in Calculation for Determination of Final Average Compensation; Extension; Request; Retirement Allowance Calculation; “Incentivized Retirement Application Period” Defined.

38.19j Retirement; requirements; accumulated annual leave, sick leave, and deferred leave hours; forfeiture; inclusion in calculation for determination of final average compensation; extension; request; retirement allowance calculation; “incentivized retirement application period” defined. Sec. 19j. (1) Notwithstanding section 19, a member may retire and receive a retirement allowance computed under this section if the member meets […]

Section 38.1a – Definitions; A, B.

38.1a Definitions; A, B. Sec. 1a. (1) “Accumulated contributions” means the sum of all amounts deducted from the compensation of a member and credited to the member’s individual account in the employees’ savings fund, together with regular interest on that account. (2) “Actuarial cost” means an amount that shall be paid, except as otherwise specifically […]

Section 38.1b – Definitions; B, C.

38.1b Definitions; B, C. Sec. 1b. (1) “Beneficiary” or “disability beneficiary” means a person other than a retirant who receives a retirement allowance, pension, or other benefit provided by this act. (2) “Compensation” means the remuneration paid a member on account of the member’s services rendered to this state. If a member’s remuneration is not […]

Section 38.1c – Definitions; D.

38.1c Definitions; D. Sec. 1c. (1) “Deferred member” means a member who is separated from state service for a reason other than retirement or death and who has satisfied the requirements of section 20(4) or (5) for a deferred retirement allowance. (2) “Designated temporary layoff” means the layoff of a member that does not exceed […]

Section 38.1d – Definitions.

38.1d Definitions. Sec. 1d. (1) Beginning January 1, 2002, except as otherwise provided in this subsection, “eligible retirement plan” means 1 or more of the following: (a) An individual retirement account described in section 408(a) of the internal revenue code, 26 USC 408. (b) An individual retirement annuity described in section 408(b) of the internal […]