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Home » US Law » 2022 Michigan Compiled Laws » Chapter 390 - Universities and Colleges » Act 151 of 1851 - University of Michigan (390.1 - 390.23)

Section 390.1 – University of Michigan; Continuation.

390.1 University of Michigan; continuation. Sec. 1. That the institution established in this state and known as the university of Michigan, is continued under the name and style heretofore used. History: 1851, Act 151, Eff. July 5, 1851 ;– CL 1857, 2183 ;– CL 1871, 3481 ;– How. 4905 ;– CL 1897, 1781 ;– CL […]

Section 390.11 – Authority of Regents; President and Faculty; Degrees.

390.11 Authority of regents; president and faculty; degrees. Sec. 11. The immediate government of the several departments shall be entrusted to the president and the respective faculties; but the regents shall have power to regulate the course of instruction, and prescribe, under the advice of the professorships, the books and authorities to be used in […]

Section 390.14 – Fees and Tuition; Payment to Treasurer; Expenditures.

390.14 Fees and tuition; payment to treasurer; expenditures. Sec. 14. The moneys received from such source shall be paid to the treasurer, and so much thereof as shall be necessary for the purpose, shall be expended by the regents in keeping the university buildings in good condition and repair, and the balance shall be appropriated […]

Section 390.16 – Interest on University Fund; Use for Erection of Buildings.

390.16 Interest on university fund; use for erection of buildings. Sec. 16. From the increase arising from the interest of the university fund, the board of regents may erect, from time to time, such buildings as are necessary for the uses of the university, on the grounds set apart for the same; but no such […]

Section 390.18 – Branches of University; Limitations; Support.

390.18 Branches of university; limitations; support. Sec. 18. As soon as the income of the university interest fund will admit, it shall be the duty of the board of regents to organize and establish branches of the university, 1 at least, in each judicial circuit or district of the state, and to establish all needful […]

Section 390.19 – Branches of University; Establishment.

390.19 Branches of university; establishment. Sec. 19. The regents may establish and organize a branch or branches, by the creation of a trusteeship for the local management of the same, or they may in their discretion select for a branch, under the restrictions aforesaid, any chartered literary institution in the state. History: 1851, Act 151, […]

Section 390.2 – University of Michigan; Object.

390.2 University of Michigan; object. Sec. 2. The university shall provide the inhabitants of this state with the means of acquiring a thorough knowledge of the various branches of literature, science and arts. History: 1851, Act 151, Eff. July 5, 1851 ;– CL 1857, 2184 ;– CL 1871, 3482 ;– How. 4906 ;– CL 1897, […]

Section 390.23 – Required Signatures for Orders on Treasurer.

390.23 Required signatures for orders on treasurer. Sec. 23. All orders on the treasurer shall be signed by the secretary, and countersigned by the president. History: 1851, Act 151, Eff. July 5, 1851 ;– CL 1857, 2205 ;– CL 1871, 3503 ;– How. 4927 ;– CL 1897, 1803 ;– CL 1915, 1178 ;– CL 1929, […]

Section 390.3 – University of Michigan; Government, Board of Regents.

390.3 University of Michigan; government, board of regents. Sec. 3. The government of the university is vested in the board of regents. History: 1851, Act 151, Eff. July 5, 1851 ;– CL 1857, 2185 ;– CL 1871, 3483 ;– How. 4907 ;– CL 1897, 1783 ;– CL 1915, 1158 ;– CL 1929, 7766 ;– CL […]

Section 390.4 – Board of Regents; Body Corporate; Rights, Seal.

390.4 Board of regents; body corporate; rights, seal. Sec. 4. The board of regents shall constitute the body corporate, with the right, as such, of suing and being sued, of making and using a common seal, and altering the same. History: 1851, Act 151, Eff. July 5, 1851 ;– CL 1857, 2186 ;– CL 1871, […]

Section 390.5 – Board of Regents; Powers.

390.5 Board of regents; powers. Sec. 5. The regents shall have power to enact ordinances, by-laws and regulations for the government of the university; to elect a president, to fix, increase and reduce the regular number of professors and tutors, and to appoint the same, and to determine the amount of their salaries: Provided, That […]

Section 390.7 – Board of Regents; Appointive Power.

390.7 Board of regents; appointive power. Sec. 7. They shall have power to appoint a secretary, librarian, treasurer, steward, and such other officers as the interests of the institution may require, who shall hold their offices at the pleasure of the board, and receive such compensation as the board may prescribe. History: 1851, Act 151, […]