390.891 Parking, traffic, and pedestrian ordinances; violation as misdemeanor or civil infraction; enforcement; persons authorized to issue and serve citations for persons with disabilities ordinance violations; conformity with uniform traffic code. Sec. 1. The governing boards of state universities and colleges may each enact parking, traffic, and pedestrian ordinances for the government and control of […]
390.892 Violation as misdemeanor; penalty; enforcement; disposition of fines and costs. Sec. 2. If violation of a particular provision of the ordinance is designated a misdemeanor pursuant to section 1, that violation is punishable by a fine of not to exceed $25.00 for each violation and may be enforced in any court having jurisdiction and […]
390.892a Violation as civil infraction; civil fines; limitation; conflict with act; misdemeanor penalty prohibited; processing of violation. Sec. 2a. (1) The governing board of a state university or college that enacts an ordinance under section 1 may establish a civil fine for any violation of the ordinance designated as a civil infraction by the governing […]
390.893 Parking violations bureau; establishment; purpose; operating expense. Sec. 3. The governing board of a state university or college may establish a parking violations bureau as an exclusive agency to accept admissions of responsibility in cases of violation of any university or college parking ordinance and to collect and retain fines and costs as prescribed […]