445.821 Legislative citizens committee on consumer affairs; members, appointment, terms. Sec. 1. There is hereby established a committee to be officially known as the legislative citizens committee on consumer affairs and to consist of 3 members who are not members of the legislature. The members of this committee shall be appointed by the legislative council […]
445.822 Executive committee on consumer affairs; members. Sec. 2. There is hereby established a committee of public officials to be officially known as the executive committee on consumer affairs and to consist of 3 members who shall be the secretary of state, the attorney general and the head of the department of commerce. History: 1966, […]
445.823 Governor’s citizens committee on consumer affairs; members, appointment, terms. Sec. 3. There is hereby established a committee of 3 persons who are not public officers to be officially known as the governor’s citizens committee on consumer affairs. The members of this committee shall be appointed by the governor for 2-year terms to coincide with […]
445.824 Special Michigan consumer’s council; conducting business at public meeting; notice of meeting. Sec. 4. (1) The legislative citizens’ committee on consumer affairs, the executive committee on consumer affairs, and the governor’s citizens committee on consumer affairs shall meet together regularly. The 3 separate committees meeting jointly shall be the special Michigan consumer’s council. (2) […]
445.825 Legislative and governor’s citizens committees; expenses, payment. Sec. 5. Members of the legislative citizens committee on consumer affairs and members of the governor’s citizens committee on consumers affairs shall be entitled to the necessary expenses incurred in connection with the business of the council not to exceed those allowed by the standard travel regulations […]
445.826 Duties of council. Sec. 6. The council shall: (a) Formulate and direct a program for the protection of individual consumers from harmful products and merchandise, false advertising and deceptive sales practices. (b) Formulate and conduct a program of research and education to eliminate fraudulent commercial practices. (c) Serve as a central coordinating agency and […]
445.827 Consumers council; powers. Sec. 7. The council may: (a) Appear before governmental commissions, departments and agencies to represent and be heard on behalf of consumers’ interests, except when the legislature has specifically established a regulatory body or commission for the express purpose of regulating rates, charges and conditions of service, or otherwise protecting consumers’ […]
445.828 Consumers council; general control of legislative council. Sec. 8. The council shall come under the general control of the legislative council for purposes of budgeting, procurement and related management functions. History: 1966, Act 277, Eff. Mar. 10, 1967
445.829 Consumers council; appropriation. Sec. 9. There is appropriated to the consumer council from the general fund of the state the sum of $10,000.00 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967. History: 1966, Act 277, Eff. Mar. 10, 1967