445.1301 Finance charges. Sec. 301. (1) The maximum finance charge included in a home improvement installment contract payable in substantially equal successive monthly installments beginning 1 month from the date the finance charge accrues, shall not exceed $8.00 per $100.00 per annum. However, on a contract which is entered into before December 31, 1991, and […]
445.1302 Division of transaction prohibited. Sec. 302. A contractor shall not induce or permit a buyer to split up or divide any transaction that otherwise would be a home improvement installment sale or home improvement charge sale for the purpose of qualifying for any exclusion under section 102(j), (l), or (m). History: 1965, Act 332, […]
445.1303 Payment of contract in full before maturity; refund credit. Sec. 303. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of a home improvement installment contract to the contrary, a buyer may pay the contract in full at any time before maturity and in so paying shall receive a refund credit on the contract, except as provided in section […]
445.1304 Scheduled payments; extension of due date; deferral charge. Sec. 304. The holder of a home improvement installment contract, upon agreement in writing with the buyer, may extend the scheduled due date or defer the scheduled payment of all or of any part of any installment or installments payable thereunder. The holder may charge and […]
445.1305 Refinancing payment of unpaid balance; refinance charge, computation; refinancing agreement, consolidation of contracts. Sec. 305. The holder of a home improvement installment contract, upon agreement in writing with the buyer, may refinance the payment of the unpaid time balance of the contract by providing for a new schedule of installment payments. The holder may […]
445.1306 Add-on sales; optional contract provisions; finance charges, insurance. Sec. 306. A home improvement installment contract may provide that the contractor may at his option add to the contract subsequent home improvement installment sales made by such contractor to the buyer, and that the total time balance of the goods and services covered by the […]
445.1307 Finance charge; computation, maximum sale. Sec. 307. Subject to the provisions of section 301, the finance charge to be included in a consolidated time balance shall be determined by applying a finance charge at a rate not exceeding the maximum rate specified in that section to either: (a) The total of the principal amount […]
445.1308 Subsequent sale; memorandum, contents. Sec. 308. When a subsequent home improvement installment sale is made, the contractor shall deliver to the buyer, at the time the contract is executed, a memorandum which shall set forth the following with respect to the subsequent sale: (a) The name and place of business of the contractor, the […]
445.1309 Optional method of computing finance charge. Sec. 309. Instead of a finance charge computed on the principal amount financed as determined under section 203 or 308, the seller may charge from time to time a finance charge consisting of interest on the amount of the unpaid principal balance of the contract. In this event, […]