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Home » US Law » 2022 Michigan Compiled Laws » Chapter 455 - Summer Resort and Park Associations » Act 230 of 1897 - Summer Resort and Park Associations (455.1 - 455.24)

Section 455.3.amended – Filing Articles With Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs; Subscribers and Stockholders as Body Politic and Corporate; Powers; Alteration or Amendment of Articles; Certification, Filing, and Recording.

***** 455.3.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE 91 DAYS AFTER ADJOURNMENT OF THE 2022 REGULAR SESSION SINE DIE ***** 455.3.amended Filing articles with department of licensing and regulatory affairs; subscribers and stockholders as body politic and corporate; powers; alteration or amendment of articles; certification, filing, and recording. Sec. 3. (1) The articles of association must […]

Section 455.4 – Evidence of Incorporation.

455.4 Evidence of incorporation. Sec. 4. A copy of any articles of association filed in the corporation and securities bureau of the department of commerce in pursuance of this act and certified by the corporation and securities bureau of the department of commerce, to be a true copy thereof, and the whole of such articles […]

Section 455.5 – Certificates of Stock; Signing, Sealing, Right to Vote.

455.5 Certificates of stock; signing, sealing, right to vote. Sec. 5. All certificates for capital stock shall be signed by the president and secretary of the company, and sealed with the corporate seal. Each stockholder shall be entitled to cast 1 vote for each and every share he shall own of the capital stock of […]

Section 455.6 – Annual Meeting; Notice, Failure to Hold.

455.6 Annual meeting; notice, failure to hold. Sec. 6. Every such corporation shall hold its annual meeting of stockholders between the first Monday of February and the last day of August of each year as its by-laws may provide. Notice of the time and place of such meeting shall be given by the secretary by […]

Section 455.7 – Annual Report; Stockholders, Contents; Perjury.

455.7 Annual report; stockholders, contents; perjury. Sec. 7. At each annual meeting such corporation shall make a report to the stockholders, signed by a majority of the board of directors, verified by the oath of the president and secretary of said corporation, containing: First, The amount of capital actually paid in; Second, The amount invested […]

Section 455.8 – First Meeting; Notice.

455.8 First meeting; notice. Sec. 8. When any corporation shall be formed under the provisions of this act, any 2 of those associated may call the first meeting of such corporations, at such time and place as they may appoint, giving notice as is provided in section 6 of this act: Provided, That such notice […]