750.463 Unpublished and undedicated plays and compositions; consent of owner. Sec. 463. Public presentation for profit of unpublished or undedicated plays and compositions without consent of owner—No unpublished, uncopyrighted or undedicated dramatic play and no unpublished or undedicated musical composition shall be publicly performed or represented for profit, without consent of the owner or proprietor […]
750.464 Sale of seats in places of public entertainment. Sec. 464. Sale of seats in places of public entertainment—It shall not be lawful for the proprietor, lessee or manager of any theatre, concert or lecture hall, or other place of public entertainment, to mark, or cause to be marked, any seat or seats in any […]
750.464a Consuming intoxicating liquor in unlicensed places; liability. Sec. 464a. It shall be unlawful for any person to consume, or any person, persons, co-partnership or corporation engaged in the business of operating any public dance hall to knowingly allow, permit or suffer to be consumed any intoxicating liquor, wine, or beer, in any public dance […]
750.464b Definitions for MCL 750.465. Sec. 464b. As used in section 465: (a) “Internet domain name” means a globally unique, hierarchical reference to an internet host or server, which is assigned through a centralized internet naming authority, and which is composed of a series of character strings separated by periods with the rightmost string specifying […]
750.465 Sale of tickets for theatre, circus, athletic game, or place of public entertainment or amusement; requirements; prohibitions; penalty. Sec. 465. (1) The owner, lessee, operator, or manager of each theatre, circus, athletic grounds used for an athletic game, or place of public entertainment or amusement shall have printed on each ticket issued for admission […]
750.465a Operation of audiovisual device in theatrical facility; prohibited conduct; violation; exception; definitions. Sec. 465a. (1) A person who knowingly operates an audiovisual recording function of a device in a theatrical facility where a motion picture is being exhibited without the consent of the owner or lessee of that theatrical facility and of the licensor […]