15B.01 PURPOSES OF THE BOARD. The purposes of the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board are: (1) to preserve and enhance the dignity, beauty, and architectural integrity of the Capitol, the buildings immediately adjacent to it, the Capitol grounds, and the Capitol Area; (2) to protect, enhance, and increase the open spaces within the Capitol […]
15B.02 BOUNDARY OF CAPITOL AREA. (a) The Capitol Area is that part of the city of St. Paul inside the boundary described in paragraph (b). (b)(1) Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of Pennsylvania Avenue and the center line of Marion Street; (2) then go southerly along the center line of […]
15B.03 CAPITOL AREA ARCHITECTURAL AND PLANNING BOARD. Subdivision 1. Membership. (a) The Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board, called the board or the CAAPB in this chapter, has 12 members. (b) The lieutenant governor is a member. (c) The governor must appoint four members. (d) The mayor of St. Paul must appoint three members with […]
15B.05 COMPREHENSIVE USE PLAN. Subdivision 1. Comprehensive plan required. The board must have, and prescribe for the Capitol Area, a comprehensive use plan called the comprehensive plan in this chapter. Subd. 2. Land uses. The comprehensive plan must show the current uses and recommend future uses of land including, but not limited to: (1) areas […]
15B.06 ZONING RULES. Subdivision 1. Zoning rules. (a) Under the comprehensive plan, the board may regulate in the Capitol Area: (1) the kind, character, height, and location of buildings and other structures; (2) the size of yards and open spaces; (3) the percentage of lots to be occupied; and (4) the uses of land, buildings, […]
15B.08 CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. Subdivision 1. Prerequisites. (a) A person must not begin construction in the Capitol Area until after completing the steps in paragraph (b). (b) The person must: (1) submit the construction plans to the board; (2) secure a zoning permit from the board; and (3) secure a certificate from the board stating that […]
15B.10 DESIGN COMPETITIONS. Subdivision 1. Required and permitted competitions. (a) The board must secure plans for a new public building by a competition. (b) A competition also may be used for plans for a proposed (1) comprehensive plan; (2) landscaping scheme; (3) street plan; (4) property acquisition; or (5) change to a public building, landscaping […]
15B.11 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING. Subdivision 1. Advisory committee review. The board must not approve a plan for a new public building under section 15B.10 or 15B.13 unless it first receives the comments and criticism of the advisory committee established under subdivision 2 or unless the plan is excepted from the consideration of […]
15B.13 LIGHT RAIL. (a) Notwithstanding section 15B.10, an architectural competition is not required for the design of a light rail transit station or of light rail transit alignment within the Capitol Area. (b) The board and its advisory committee must select a preliminary design for each transit station in the Capitol Area. (c) Then, each […]
15B.15 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT. Subdivision 1. Duties. The commissioner of administration must: (1) act as a consultant to the board on the physical structural needs of the state; and (2) do studies and report the results to the board when the board requests reports for its planning. Subd. 2. Standards and policies. (a) The board and […]
15B.155 CAPITOL RESTORATION PROJECT. Subdivision 1. Consultation and collaboration. The commissioner shall consult and collaborate with representatives designated by the governor, the majority leader of the senate, the speaker of the house, the chief justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court, the attorney general, Capitol Area and Architectural Planning Board, and the director of the Minnesota […]
15B.17 CAPITOL AREA PROPOSALS. Subdivision 1. Proposals. (a) Before a state agency or other public body develops a budget proposal or plans for capital improvements within the Capitol Area to submit to the legislature and the governor, it must consult with the board. (b) The public body must provide enough money for the board’s review […]
15B.19 CONSULTATION. Subdivision 1. Cooperation required. The board and the city of St. Paul must cooperate to ensure that the area adjacent to the Capitol Area is developed in keeping with the purposes of the board and with the comprehensive plan. Subd. 2. Duty to advise. The city of St. Paul must advise the board. […]
15B.21 RESPONSIBILITIES TO LEGISLATURE. Subdivision 1. Report required. (a) The board, after consulting with the commissioner of administration, must report to the legislature and the governor before October 2 of each even-numbered year. (b) The report must describe the status of implementing the comprehensive plan. (c) The report must also include a program for capital […]
15B.23 CONVEYANCES OF PROPERTY. Subdivision 1. Conveyances; St. Paul. (a) The city of St. Paul may convey to the state, without compensation, any property within the Capitol Area that is owned by the city. (b) The state may transfer to the city, without compensation, any property acquired for the purposes in section 15B.01 within the […]
15B.24 CAPITOL AREA TAX-FORFEITED LANDS. Subdivision 1. Scope. This section governs the treatment of tax-forfeited lands in the Capitol Area. Section 383A.17 relating to Ramsey County also may apply. Subd. 2. Recording trust title. When the state gains custody of a tax-forfeited parcel in the Capitol Area, the state’s fee ownership of the parcel held […]
15B.26 CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Subdivision 1. Elements. (a) A person has a conflict of interest under this section if: (1) the person is a board member, or is employed or retained by the board; (2) the person has a financial interest in a business enterprise or activity within the Capitol Area, or in constructing or […]
15B.28 OUTDOOR ADVERTISING. Subdivision 1. Advertising devices restricted. No advertising devices may be erected within the boundaries of the Capitol Area unless done so pursuant to rules of the board. Subd. 2. Advertising device defined. “Advertising device” means any billboard, sign, poster, display, or other device visible to and primarily intended to advertise or to […]
15B.31 CAPITOL AREA LAND ACQUISITION. (a) The state, on recommendation of the board and within appropriations available for the purpose, must acquire by gift, purchase, or eminent domain proceedings, any real property in the Capitol Area if the board finds that the property is needed to expand or beautify the area. The acquisition may be […]
15B.32 STATE CAPITOL PRESERVATION COMMISSION. Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) As used in this section and section 15B.36, the terms defined in this subdivision have the following meanings. (b) “Commission” means the State Capitol Preservation Commission created under this section. (c) “Capitol Area” means the geographic area defined in section 15B.02. (d) “Board” means the Capitol […]