103H.101 PROTECTING SENSITIVE AREAS. Subdivision 1. Criteria for determining sensitive areas. The commissioner of natural resources in consultation with the Minnesota Geological Survey, soil and water conservation districts, local water planning authorities, and other interested parties shall develop specific criteria for identifying sensitive groundwater areas and adopt the criteria by rule. Subd. 2. Identifying sensitive […]
103H.105 CONSERVATION EASEMENTS TO PROTECT SENSITIVE AREAS. (a) Agricultural land within a sensitive area identified in section 103H.101, subdivision 2, or by the Board of Water and Soil Resources and land in or immediately surrounding a sinkhole is marginal agricultural land for purposes of section 103F.515, subdivision 2, and is eligible for the reinvest in […]
103H.111 LIABILITY AFTER PROTECTION OF SENSITIVE AREA. (a) A landowner within a sensitive area, identified under section 103H.101, has a complete defense to liability for degradation of groundwater caused by surface water from the sensitive area recharging groundwater if: (1) the landowner’s portion of the sensitive area is subject to a plan adopted by the […]
103H.151 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. Subdivision 1. Development by Pollution Control Agency. Except as provided in subdivision 2 for agricultural chemicals and practices, the Pollution Control Agency in consultation with local water planning authorities shall develop best management practices for the prevention of groundwater degradation for specific activity categories. The Pollution Control Agency shall contact and […]