134A.01 ESTABLISHMENT OF COUNTY LAW LIBRARY. Any county may establish a county law library wherever sessions of court are required to be held by law upon the filing of an order by a district court judge of the judicial district in which the county is situated with the court administrator of the county. History: 1949 […]
134A.02 WHO MAY USE. Under proper regulations of the board of trustees the use of the library shall be free to the judges of the state, state officials, judges of the district, municipal, county, and conciliation courts of the county, city and county officials, members of the bar, and inhabitants of the county. History: 1949 […]
134A.03 BOARD OF TRUSTEES; COMPOSITION. Subdivision 1. Trustees. The management of any library established shall be under a board of three, five or seven trustees, who shall serve without compensation. A board of three trustees shall consist of: (1) a person appointed by the chief judge of the judicial district; (2) a member of the […]
134A.04 BOARD OF TRUSTEES, MEETINGS; TERM OF OFFICE. The trustees shall meet immediately after their selection and the board shall hold annual meetings thereafter. At each meeting it shall elect one of its members president and another member or the librarian secretary. The secretary shall act as the staff of the board and shall attend […]
134A.05 BYLAWS AND REGULATIONS; POWERS; TITLE TO REMAIN IN COUNTY. The board of trustees shall adopt bylaws and regulations for the conduct of its business and the government of the library and file them, along with all other records, minutes of meetings and other documents relating to the governance of the library with the court […]
134A.06 REPORT TO COUNTY AUDITOR. The county auditor shall file with the board of trustees an annual report containing a detailed statement of the receipts and disbursements of the library for the preceding year. The board of trustees shall file an inventory with the county auditor showing the property belonging to the library or loaned […]
134A.07 QUARTERS. The county board shall provide suitable quarters within the courthouse for the use of the library, and shall also provide light, heat, janitor service and other necessary expenses of maintaining the library. History: 1949 c 184 s 7; 1982 c 576 s 8
134A.08 LIBRARIAN. In Hennepin and Ramsey Counties the board of trustees shall appoint a librarian and necessary assistants and clerical help, and fix their compensation. In all other counties, where a librarian is not employed by the county, the board of trustees may appoint a librarian and necessary assistants and clerical help and, with the […]
134A.09 HENNEPIN AND RAMSEY COUNTIES; FEES FOR LAW LIBRARIES. Subdivision 1. Civil actions. In Hennepin and Ramsey Counties, the district administrator or a designee shall collect in each civil suit, action or proceeding filed in the district, municipal and conciliation courts of the district, in the manner in which other fees are collected, a law […]
134A.10 LIBRARY FEES COLLECTED IN ALL OTHER COUNTIES. Subdivision 1. Civil fee assessment. In counties other than Hennepin and Ramsey, the court administrator shall collect in each civil suit, action or proceeding filed in the district, county or county municipal and conciliation courts of the county, in the manner in which other fees are collected, […]
134A.11 LIMITATIONS. The provisions of sections 134A.09 and 134A.10 shall not apply to actions or proceedings commenced by the state, the county or any municipality, to garnishment proceedings, to the filing of transcripts, to compensation awards, to proceedings under the Minnesota reciprocal enforcement of support act or to complaints in intervention in receivership proceedings. History: […]
134A.12 TAXABLE AS COSTS. The law library fee is a cost in the action and taxable as such, and is to be allotted for the support of the library. History: 1982 c 576 s 13
134A.13 DEPOSITS WITH COUNTY TREASURER; COUNTY AUDITOR. These fees shall be paid to the county treasurer or county auditor, who shall give a receipt therefor. The county treasurer or county auditor may disburse these funds and any other money belonging to this board only at the direction of the board of trustees. History: 1949 c […]
134A.14 EXISTING LIBRARIES; JOINT LAW LIBRARIES. By July 1, 1983, all county law libraries shall come under the provisions of sections 134A.01 to 134A.15. Two or more counties may unite in the establishment of a joint law library. History: 1949 c 184 s 12; 1982 c 576 s 15
134A.15 ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BY COUNTY BOARD. The county board may in its discretion, provide for additional support and maintenance of the county law library out of county funds. History: 1949 c 184 s 13; 1982 c 576 s 16
134A.16 STATE LAW LIBRARIAN TO ASSIST. The state law librarian, under the guidance of the supreme court, shall advise and assist in the operation and maintenance of the county law libraries. History: 1982 c 576 s 17
134A.17 TRANSFERS TO COUNTY. Subdivision 1. Sherburne County. If the Sherburne County Law Library, through its trustees, has a fiscal reserve that is projected to sustain its operations for a period of over five years, the Sherburne County Law Library may transfer up to half of the money in its fiscal reserve, but not to […]