135A.13 STUDENT SERVICES PRICES. The governing board of each public postsecondary system is requested to establish prices for goods and services sold through student services that approximate as nearly as possible the cost of providing quality goods and services. History: 1988 c 703 art 1 s 12
135A.131 LOCAL ASSESSMENT. Each public postsecondary governing board may pay when due any assessment by a local unit of government that is less than five percent of the board’s appropriation for repair and replacement. History: 1991 c 356 art 3 s 6
135A.135 PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. During initial student registration, each technical college, community college, or state university shall, and the University of Minnesota is requested to, provide each student information on personal financial management. Students should understand and be able to manage personal finances including, but not limited to, the responsible use of consumer credit. This […]
135A.136 STUDENT HEALTH CARE. A Minnesota public postsecondary institution must grant a waiver from its required student health insurance plan coverage if the student requests the waiver and the student has health plan coverage from another source, including employer group coverage, private insurance, association group coverage, health sharing organizations, and MinnesotaCare. An institution must notify […]
135A.137 HUNGER-FREE CAMPUS DESIGNATION. Subdivision 1. Establishment. (a) A Hunger-Free Campus designation is established for public postsecondary institutions and for nonprofit degree-granting institutions physically located in Minnesota and registered with the Office of Higher Education under section 136A.63. In order to be awarded the designation, an institution must meet the following minimum criteria: (1) have […]
135A.14 STATEMENT OF IMMUNIZATION. Subdivision 1. Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms have the meanings given them. (a) “Administrator” means the administrator of the institution or other person with general control and supervision of the institution. (b) “Public or private postsecondary educational institution” or “institution” means any of the following institutions having […]
135A.145 SALE OF STUDENT INFORMATION; MARKETING CREDIT CARDS TO STUDENTS. Subdivision 1. Prohibited practices. No public or private postsecondary educational institution, including its agents, employees, student or alumni organizations, or affiliates, may: (1) sell, give, or otherwise transfer to any card issuer the name, address, telephone number, or other contact information of an undergraduate student […]
135A.1459 POLICIES ON HIRING PRACTICES. The commissioner of administration, the Board of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, the Regents of the University of Minnesota, and statutory and home rule charter cities may adopt policies that address the goal of improving employment for local residents or former criminal offenders. History: 2009 c 59 art 5 […]
135A.15 SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND VIOLENCE POLICY. Subdivision 1. Applicability; policy required. (a) This section applies to the following postsecondary institutions: (1) institutions governed by the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; and (2) private postsecondary institutions that offer in-person courses on a campus located in Minnesota and which are eligible institutions […]
135A.153 HIGHER EDUCATION CENTER ON VIOLENCE AND ABUSE. Subdivision 1. Creation and designation. The Higher Education Center on Violence and Abuse is created. The Higher Education Center on Violence and Abuse shall be located at and managed by a public or private postsecondary institution in Minnesota. Subd. 2. [Repealed, 1995 c 212 art 3 s […]
135A.155 HAZING POLICY. The Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities shall, and the University of Minnesota is requested to, adopt a clear, understandable written policy on student conduct, including hazing. The policy must include procedures for reporting incidents of inappropriate hazing and for disciplinary actions against individual violators and organizations. The […]
135A.157 NOTICE TO STUDENTS REGARDING POSSIBLE IMPACT OF CRIMINAL RECORDS. (a) A public or private postsecondary educational institution located in this state shall give notice under this section to each person accepted for admission to be a student at the institution. This notice shall be given at or before the time of acceptance for admission […]
135A.158 INFORMATION PROVIDED TO STUDENT PARENTS AND PREGNANT STUDENTS. A public or regionally accredited private postsecondary educational institution must provide information according to this section to students who are parents of one or more children age 12 or younger, and to students who notify the institution that they are pregnant. The information must include a […]
135A.16 POLICY FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES. Subdivision 1. Development. Each public postsecondary governing board shall have a policy to provide for the needs of enrolled or admitted students on its campuses who have disabilities under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Public Law 93-112. Governing boards of private postsecondary institutions are requested to […]
135A.165 DEAF STUDENTS; TUITION ASSISTANCE. (a) For the purpose of this section, a “deaf person” means an individual with a hearing loss of such severity that the individual must depend primarily on visual communication, such as writing, lip reading, manual communication, and gestures. (b) A deaf person, who is a resident student as defined in […]
135A.17 PROVISIONS TO FACILITATE VOTING. Subdivision 1. Identification cards. All postsecondary institutions that enroll students accepting state or federal financial aid may provide every full-time student a student identification card that contains the enrolling student’s photograph and name. Subd. 2. Residential housing list. All postsecondary institutions that enroll students accepting state or federal financial aid […]
135A.18 AUTHORIZATION FOR AGREEMENTS. The governing board of a public postsecondary system may enter into an agreement with a school board to provide a nonsectarian course taught by secondary teachers or postsecondary faculty members to an eligible pupil, as defined in section 124D.09, subdivision 5, and offered at a secondary school or another location. History: […]
135A.19 FINANCIAL EMERGENCY. The Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota may immediately lay off employees, without notice, if the respective board has declared a financial emergency. All other contractual provisions relating to layoffs continue to apply. A financial emergency may be […]
135A.191 RESEARCH DOGS AND CATS. (a) A higher education research facility that receives public money or a facility that provides research in collaboration with a higher education facility that confines dogs or cats for science, education, or research purposes and plans on euthanizing a dog or cat for other than science, education, or research purposes […]