136D.81 DAKOTA AND GOODHUE COUNTY DISTRICTS, JOINT TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Subdivision 1. Agreements. Two or more of the Special School District Numbered 6 and the Independent School Districts Numbered 191, 192, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 252, and 256, located wholly or partly in the counties of Dakota or Goodhue, whether or not contiguous, may […]
136D.82 BOARD, BYLAWS, DISTRICT PARTICIPATION AND SUPPORT. Subdivision 1. Board. The agreement shall provide for a joint school board representing the parties to the agreement. The agreement shall specify the name of the board, the number and manner of election or appointment of its members, their terms and qualifications, and other necessary and desirable provisions. […]
136D.83 STATUS OF JOINT SCHOOL BOARD. Subdivision 1. Public agency. The joint school board shall be a public agency of the participating school districts and may receive and disburse federal and state funds made available to it or to the participating school districts. Subd. 2. Liability. Except as to certificates of indebtedness or bonds issued […]
136D.84 JOINT BOARD HAS ALL POWERS OF MEMBER DISTRICTS. To effectuate the agreement, the joint school board shall have all the powers granted by law to any or all of the participating school districts. History: 1969 c 1060 s 4; 1984 c 463 art 7 s 53 subd 1
136D.85 AGREEMENT APPROVAL, NOTICE, PETITION, REFERENDUM. Subdivision 1. Resolution. The agreement shall, before it becomes effective, be approved by a resolution adopted by the school board of each school district named therein. Subd. 2. When effective. Each such resolution shall be published once in a newspaper published in such district, if there is one, or […]
136D.86 DISTRICT CONTRIBUTIONS, DISBURSEMENTS, CONTRACTS. The participating school districts may contribute funds to the board. Disbursements shall be made by the board in accordance with sections 123B.14, 123B.143, and 123B.147. This board shall be subject to section 123B.52, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, and 5. History: 1969 c 1060 s 6; 1984 c 463 art 7 […]
136D.88 BONDS. Subdivision 1. Purpose. The intermediate school board, acting in its own behalf, may issue bonds for the acquisition and betterment of school facilities or equipment or for the funding or refunding of outstanding bonds, warrants, orders, or certificates of indebtedness. Subd. 2. General law. Chapter 475 shall be applicable in all respects. Subd. […]
136D.90 DISSOLUTION, BOND TAXES. Subdivision 1. Term of agreement and termination. The agreement shall state the term of its duration and may provide for the method of termination and distribution of assets after payment of all liabilities of the joint school board. No termination shall affect the obligation to continue to levy taxes required for […]
136D.92 NON-POSTSECONDARY PROGRAMS, LICENSED DIRECTION. Subdivision 1. Programs. The board may also provide any other educational programs or other services requested by a participating district. However, these programs and services may not be postsecondary programs or services. Subd. 2. Direction. Academic offerings shall be provided only under the direction of properly licensed academic supervisory personnel. […]
136D.93 OTHER MEMBERSHIP AND POWERS. In addition to the districts listed in sections 136D.21, 136D.71, and 136D.81, the agreement of an intermediate school district established under this chapter may provide for the membership of other school districts and cities, counties, and other governmental units as defined in section 471.59. In addition to the powers listed […]
136D.94 REFUNDING BONDS. Sections 136D.281, subdivision 8, 136D.741, subdivision 8, and 136D.88, subdivision 8, do not apply to bonds issued solely for refunding purposes. History: 1996 c 412 art 5 s 13; 1997 c 7 art 1 s 74