136F.70 TUITION; FEES; ACTIVITIES FUNDS. Subdivision 1. Tuition. The board shall set rates of tuition for the various instructional programs. The board may waive tuition for certain persons, courses, and programs. Subd. 2. Fees. The board may prescribe fees to be charged students for student unions, state college and university activities, functions, and purposes. Subd. […]
136F.701 REFUND OF TUITION. (a) Any student who is a resident of the state, has enrolled in the state colleges and universities and paid tuition for the course, and who, prior to the termination of the school year for which the tuition was paid, enlisted or has been inducted into the military service of the […]
136F.705 UNDERGRADUATE TUITION GUARANTEE PLAN. (a) The board is encouraged to offer entering students a plan providing stable tuition for students pursuing two-year or four-year degrees that can provide students a tuition option designed to meet the goals in this section. (b) A Minnesota resident student who first enrolls in a degree program at a […]
136F.71 RECEIPTS. Subdivision 1. Appropriation of receipts. All receipts of every kind, nature, and description, including student tuition and fees, all federal receipts, aids, contributions, and reimbursements, but not including receipts attributable to state colleges and universities activity funds, in all the state colleges and universities are appropriated to the board, but are subject to […]
136F.72 FUNDS. Subdivision 1. Activity funds. The board may establish in each state college and university a fund to be known as the activity fund. The purpose of these funds shall be to provide for the administration of state college and university activities designed for student recreational, social, welfare, and educational pursuits supplemental to the […]
136F.73 CASH OVER AND SHORT ACCOUNT OF IMPREST CASH FUND. The board may establish a cash over and short account within the imprest cash fund for each state college and university. This account shall be used to record on a daily basis overages and shortages of cash receipts. At the end of each fiscal year, […]
136F.74 CARRYOVER AUTHORITY. The board may carry over any unexpended balance from its appropriation from the first year of a biennium into the second year of the biennium. The board may carry over any unexpended balance into the following biennium. The amounts carried over must not be taken into account in determining state appropriations and […]
136F.76 LITIGATION AWARDS. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the board may keep money received from successful litigation by or against the board. Awards made to the state or the board resulting from litigation against or by the board must be kept by the board to the credit of the account from which the litigation […]
136F.77 EQUITY INVESTMENTS. Subdivision 1. Powers of board. The board may acquire an interest in a product or a private business entity for the purpose of developing and providing educational materials and related programs or services to further the mission of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and foster the economic growth of the state. […]
136F.79 SOLE STATE AGENCY. The board is the sole state agency to receive and disburse federal funds authorized by the Vocational Education Act of 1963, as amended in the education amendments of 1976, Public Law 94-482, and Code of Federal Regulations, title 34, part 400. The board shall develop and submit the state plan for […]