137.023 UNIVERSITY STUDENT ON BOARD OF REGENTS. In electing members of the Board of Regents pursuant to article 13, section 3, of the Constitution of the state of Minnesota, and Territorial Laws 1851, chapter 3, section 5, one member of the Board of Regents of the university shall be a person who at the time […]
137.024 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS REPRESENTED ON BOARD OF REGENTS. At least one member of the Board of Regents of the university shall be a resident of each congressional district. History: 1976 c 120 s 2
137.0245 REGENT CANDIDATE ADVISORY COUNCIL. Subdivision 1. Establishment. A Regent Candidate Advisory Council is established to assist in determining criteria for, and identifying and recruiting qualified candidates for membership on the Board of Regents and making recommendations to the joint legislative committee described in section 137.0246, subdivision 2. Subd. 2. Membership. The Regent Candidate Advisory […]
137.0246 REGENT NOMINATION AND ELECTION. Subdivision 1. [Repealed by amendment, 2007 c 144 art 2 s 46] Subd. 2. Regent nomination joint committee. (a) The joint legislative committee consists of the members of the higher education budget and policy divisions in each house of the legislature. The chairs of the divisions from each body shall […]