137.61 PURPOSE. Sections 137.61 to 137.65 provide for a biomedical science research funding program to further the investment in biomedical science research facilities in Minnesota to benefit the state’s economy, advance the biomedical technology industry, benefit human health, and facilitate research collaboration between the University of Minnesota and other private and public institutions in this […]
137.62 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Applicability. The definitions in this section apply to sections 137.61 to 137.65. Subd. 2. Biomedical science research facility. “Biomedical science research facility” means a facility located on the campus of the University of Minnesota to be used as a research facility and laboratory for biomedical science and biomedical technology. A hospital […]
137.63 BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH FACILITIES FUNDING PROGRAM. Subdivision 1. Program established. A biomedical science research facilities funding program is established to provide appropriations to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for up to 75 percent of the project costs for each of four projects approved by the Board of Regents under section […]
137.64 CONDITIONS FOR PAYMENTS TO UNIVERSITY. Subdivision 1. Certifications. Before the commissioner may make any payments authorized in this section to the Board of Regents for a biomedical science research facility project, the commissioner must certify that the board has, by board resolution, approved the maximum project cost for the project and complied with the […]
137.65 NO FULL FAITH AND CREDIT. Any bonds or other obligations issued by the board under sections 137.61 to 137.65, are not public debt of the state, and the full faith and credit and taxing powers of the state are not pledged for their payment, or of any payments that the state agrees to make […]
137.66 MINNESOTA DISCOVERY, RESEARCH, AND INNOVATION ECONOMY FUNDING PROGRAM. Subdivision 1. Establishment. (a) The Minnesota Discovery, Research, and InnoVation Economy (MnDRIVE) funding program is established to discover new knowledge through scientific research that will: (1) advance the state’s economy; (2) leverage opportunities and establish priorities in sectors of state strength and comparative advantage; (3) improve […]
137.67 MINNESOTA BIOMEDICINE AND BIOETHICS INNOVATION GRANTS. Subdivision 1. Grants. (a) The steering committee of the University of Minnesota and Mayo Foundation partnership shall award grants to entities that apply for a grant under this subdivision to fund innovations and research in biomedicine and bioethics. Grant funds must be used to fund biomedical and bioethical […]