144.671 CANCER SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM; PURPOSE. The commissioner of health shall establish a statewide population-based cancer surveillance system. The purpose of this system is to: (1) monitor incidence trends of cancer to detect potential public health problems, predict risks, and assist in investigating cancer clusters; (2) more accurately target intervention resources for communities and patients and […]
144.672 DUTIES OF COMMISSIONER; RULES. Subdivision 1. Rule authority. The commissioner of health shall collect cancer incidence information, analyze the information, and conduct special studies designed to determine the potential public health significance of an increase in cancer incidence. The commissioner shall adopt rules to administer the system, collect information, and distribute data. The rules […]
144.68 RECORDS AND REPORTS REQUIRED. Subdivision 1. Person practicing healing arts. Every person licensed to practice the healing arts in any form, upon request of the commissioner of health, shall prepare and forward to the commissioner, in the manner and at such times as the commissioner designates, a detailed record of each case of cancer […]
144.69 CLASSIFICATION OF DATA ON INDIVIDUALS. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, including section 13.05, subdivision 9, data collected on individuals by the cancer surveillance system, including the names and personal identifiers of persons required in section 144.68 to report, shall be private and may only be used for the purposes set forth in this […]