144.6062 COMPREHENSIVE ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT. The commissioner of health shall establish a comprehensive advanced life-support educational program to train rural medical personnel, including physicians, physician assistants, nurses, and allied health care providers, in a team approach to anticipate, recognize, and treat life-threatening emergencies before serious injury or cardiac arrest occurs. History: 1999 c 245 art […]
144.6071 TRAUMA REGISTRY. Subdivision 1. Registry. The commissioner of health shall establish and maintain a central registry of persons who sustain major trauma as defined in section 144.602, subdivision 3. The registry shall collect information to facilitate the development of clinical and system quality improvement, injury prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation programs. Subd. 2. Registry participation […]
144.608 TRAUMA ADVISORY COUNCIL. Subdivision 1. Trauma Advisory Council established. (a) A Trauma Advisory Council is established to advise, consult with, and make recommendations to the commissioner on the development, maintenance, and improvement of a statewide trauma system. (b) The council shall consist of the following members: (1) a trauma surgeon certified by the American […]
144.611 CAPTIONING REQUIRED. (a) This section applies to health care facilities licensed under this chapter. (b) Any television in a waiting room provided for use by the general public, or by individuals using or requesting services, must have a closed captioning feature activated at all times if the television includes a captioning feature. A health […]