Section 144.695 — Citation.
144.695 CITATION. Sections 144.695 to 144.703 may be cited as the “Minnesota Health Care Cost Information Act of 1984.” History: 1976 c 296 art 2 s 1; 1984 c 534 s 3
144.695 CITATION. Sections 144.695 to 144.703 may be cited as the “Minnesota Health Care Cost Information Act of 1984.” History: 1976 c 296 art 2 s 1; 1984 c 534 s 3
144.696 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Scope. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, for the purposes of sections 144.695 to 144.703, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. Commissioner of health. “Commissioner of health” means the state commissioner of health. Subd. 3. Hospital. “Hospital” means any acute care institution licensed pursuant […]
144.697 GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF STATE COMMISSIONER OF HEALTH. Subdivision 1. Contracts. The commissioner of health may contract with third parties for services necessary to carry out the commissioner’s activities where this will promote economy, avoid duplication of effort, and make best use of available expertise. Subd. 2. Grants; gifts. The commissioner of health […]
144.698 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Subdivision 1. Yearly reports. Each hospital and each outpatient surgical center, which has not filed the financial information required by this section with a voluntary, nonprofit reporting organization pursuant to section 144.702, shall file annually with the commissioner of health after the close of the fiscal year: (1) a balance sheet detailing […]
144.699 CONTINUING ANALYSIS. Subdivision 1. Acute care costs. The commissioner of health may: (1) undertake analyses and studies relating to acute care costs and to the financial status of any hospital or outpatient surgical center subject to the provisions of sections 144.695 to 144.703; and (2) publish and disseminate the information relating to acute care […]
144.70 BIENNIAL REPORT. Subdivision 1. Content. The commissioner of health shall prepare a report every two years concerning the status and operations of the health care markets in Minnesota. The commissioner of health shall transmit the reports to the governor, and to the members of the legislature under section 3.195. The first report must be […]
144.701 RATE DISCLOSURE. Subdivision 1. Consumer information. The commissioner of health shall ensure that the total costs, total revenues, overall utilization, and total services of each hospital and each outpatient surgical center are reported to the public in a form understandable to consumers. Subd. 2. Data for policy making. The commissioner of health shall compile […]
144.702 HOSPITAL AND OUTPATIENT SURGICAL CENTER COSTS. Subdivision 1. Reporting through a reporting organization. A hospital or outpatient surgical center may agree to submit its financial, utilization, and services reports to a voluntary, nonprofit reporting organization whose reporting procedures have been approved by the commissioner of health in accordance with this section. Each report submitted […]
144.7022 REPORTING ORGANIZATIONS; PENALTY ORDERS. Subdivision 1. Authorization. The commissioner may issue an order to the voluntary, nonprofit reporting organization requiring violations to be corrected and administratively assess monetary penalties for violations of sections 144.695 to 144.703 or rules, written operating requirements, orders, stipulation agreements, settlements, or compliance agreements adopted, enforced, or issued by the […]
144.703 ADDITIONAL POWERS. Subdivision 1. Rulemaking. In addition to the other powers granted to the commissioner of health by law, the commissioner of health may: (1) adopt, amend, and repeal rules in accordance with chapter 14; (2) adopt in rule a schedule of fines, ranging from $100 to $1,000, for failure of a hospital or […]