144.50 HOSPITALS, LICENSES; DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. License required. (a) No person, partnership, association, or corporation, nor any state, county, or local governmental units, nor any division, department, board, or agency thereof, shall establish, operate, conduct, or maintain in the state any hospital, sanitarium or other institution for the hospitalization or care of human beings without […]
144.51 LICENSE APPLICATIONS. Before a license shall be issued under sections 144.50 to 144.56, the person applying shall submit evidence satisfactory to the state commissioner of health that the person is not less than 18 years of age and of reputable and responsible character; in the event the applicant is an association or corporation or […]
144.52 APPLICATION. Any person, partnership, association, or corporation, including state, county, or local governmental units, or any division, department, board, or agency thereof, desiring a license under sections 144.50 to 144.56 shall file with the state commissioner of health a verified application containing the name of the applicant desiring said license; whether such persons so […]
144.53 FEES. Each application for a license, or renewal thereof, to operate a hospital, sanitarium or other institution for the hospitalization or care of human beings, within the meaning of sections 144.50 to 144.56, except applications by the Minnesota Veterans Home, the commissioner of human services for the licensing of state institutions or by the […]
144.54 INSPECTIONS. Every building, institution, or establishment for which a license has been issued shall be periodically inspected by a duly appointed representative of the state commissioner of health under the rules to be established by the state commissioner of health. No institution of any kind licensed pursuant to the provisions of sections 144.50 to […]
144.55 LICENSES; ISSUANCE, SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION. Subdivision 1. Issuance. (a) The state commissioner of health is hereby authorized to issue licenses to operate hospitals, sanitariums, outpatient surgical centers, or other institutions for the hospitalization or care of human beings, which are found to comply with the provisions of sections 144.50 to 144.56 and any reasonable […]
144.5509 RADIATION THERAPY FACILITY CONSTRUCTION. (a) A radiation therapy facility may be constructed only by an entity owned, operated, or controlled by a hospital licensed according to sections 144.50 to 144.56 either alone or in cooperation with another entity. (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), there shall be a moratorium on the construction of any radiation therapy […]
144.551 HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION MORATORIUM. Subdivision 1. Restricted construction or modification. (a) The following construction or modification may not be commenced: (1) any erection, building, alteration, reconstruction, modernization, improvement, extension, lease, or other acquisition by or on behalf of a hospital that increases the bed capacity of a hospital, relocates hospital beds from one physical facility, […]
144.552 PUBLIC INTEREST REVIEW. (a) The following entities must submit a plan to the commissioner: (1) a hospital seeking to increase its number of licensed beds; or (2) an organization seeking to obtain a hospital license and notified by the commissioner under section 144.553, subdivision 1, paragraph (c), that it is subject to this section. […]
144.553 ALTERNATIVE APPROVAL PROCESS. Subdivision 1. Letter of intent; publication; acceptance of additional proposals. (a) An organization seeking to obtain a hospital license must submit a letter of intent to the commissioner, specifying the community in which the proposed hospital would be located and the number of beds proposed for the new hospital. When multiple […]
144.554 HEALTH FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION PLAN SUBMITTAL AND FEES. For hospitals, nursing homes, boarding care homes, residential hospices, supervised living facilities, freestanding outpatient surgical centers, and end-stage renal disease facilities, the commissioner shall collect a fee for the review and approval of architectural, mechanical, and electrical plans and specifications submitted before construction begins for each project […]
144.555 FACILITY OR CAMPUS CLOSINGS, RELOCATING SERVICES, OR CEASING TO OFFER CERTAIN SERVICES; PATIENT RELOCATIONS. Subdivision 1. Notice of closing or curtailing operations; facilities other than hospitals. If a facility licensed under sections 144.50 to 144.56, other than a hospital, voluntarily plans to cease operations or to curtail operations to the extent that patients or […]
144.56 STANDARDS. Subdivision 1. Commissioner’s powers. The state commissioner of health shall, in the manner prescribed by law, adopt and enforce reasonable rules and standards under sections 144.50 to 144.56 which the commissioner finds to be necessary and in the public interests and may rescind or modify them from time to time as may be […]
144.561 DESCRIPTION OF CERTAIN MEDICAL FACILITIES. Subdivision 1. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following words have the meanings given to them: (a) “Person” means an individual, partnership, association, corporation, state, county or local governmental unit or a division, department, board or agency of a governmental unit. (b) “Medical facility” means an institution, office, […]
144.562 SWING BED APPROVAL; ISSUANCE OF LICENSE CONDITIONS. Subdivision 1. Definition. For the purposes of this section, “swing bed” means a hospital bed licensed under sections 144.50 to 144.56 that has been granted a license condition under this section and which has been certified to participate in the federal Medicare program under United States Code, […]
144.563 NURSING SERVICES PROVIDED IN A HOSPITAL; PROHIBITED PRACTICES. A hospital that has been granted a license condition under section 144.562 must not provide to patients not reimbursed by Medicare or medical assistance the types of services that would be usually and customarily provided and reimbursed under medical assistance or Medicare as services of a […]
144.564 MONITORING OF SUBACUTE OR TRANSITIONAL CARE SERVICES. Subdivision 1. Hospital data. The commissioner of health shall monitor the provision of subacute or transitional care services provided in hospitals. All hospitals providing these services must report statistical data on the extent and utilization of these services on forms supplied by the commissioner. The data must […]
144.565 DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING FACILITIES. Subdivision 1. Utilization and services data; economic and financial interests. The commissioner shall require diagnostic imaging facilities and providers of diagnostic imaging services in Minnesota to report by March 1 each year for the preceding fiscal year to the commissioner, in the form and manner specified by the commissioner: (1) utilization […]
144.566 VIOLENCE AGAINST HEALTH CARE WORKERS. Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) The following definitions apply to this section and have the meanings given. (b) “Act of violence” means an act by a patient or visitor against a health care worker that includes kicking, scratching, urinating, sexually harassing, or any act defined in sections 609.221 to 609.2241. […]
144.572 INSTITUTIONS EXCEPTED. No rule nor requirement shall be made, nor standard established under sections 144.50 to 144.56 for any sanitarium conducted by and for the adherents of any recognized church or religious denomination for the purpose of providing care and treatment for those who select and depend upon spiritual means through prayer alone, in […]