144.4197 EMERGENCY VACCINE ADMINISTRATION; LEGEND DRUG. When a mayor, county board chair, or legal successor to such official has declared a local emergency under section 12.29 or the governor has declared an emergency under section 12.31, subdivision 1 or 2, or a community health board or its appointed agent under chapter 145A has requested the […]
144.4198 MASS DISPENSING UNDER AUTHORITY OF COMMISSIONER OF HEALTH. Subdivision 1. Definition. “Closed point of dispensing (POD)” means a dispensing or vaccinating location, including but not limited to a business, nonprofit, governmental, correctional, educational, health care, religious, or other entity that dispenses to a limited group such as employees and their household members, residents, business […]
144.4199 PUBLIC HEALTH RESPONSE CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT. Subdivision 1. Public health response contingency account. A public health response contingency account is created in the special revenue fund in the state treasury. Money in the public health response contingency account does not cancel and is appropriated to the commissioner of health for the purposes specified in subdivisions […]