144.1201 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Applicability. For purposes of sections 144.1201 to 144.1204, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given to them. Subd. 2. Byproduct material. “Byproduct material” means: (1) any radioactive material, except special nuclear material, yielded in or made radioactive by exposure to the radiation incident to the process of producing […]
144.1202 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION AGREEMENT. Subdivision 1. Agreement authorized. In order to have a comprehensive program to protect the public from radiation hazards, the governor, on behalf of the state, is authorized to enter into agreements with the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, section 274b, as […]
144.1203 TRAINING; RULEMAKING. The commissioner shall adopt rules to ensure that individuals handling or utilizing radioactive materials under the terms of a license issued by the commissioner under section 144.1202 have proper training and qualifications to do so. The rules adopted must be at least as stringent as federal regulations on proper training and qualifications […]
144.1204 SURETY REQUIREMENTS. Subdivision 1. Financial assurance required. The commissioner may require an applicant for a license under section 144.1202, or a person who was formerly licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and is now subject to sections 144.1201 to 144.1204, to post financial assurances to ensure the completion of all requirements established by the […]
144.1205 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL; SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL. Subdivision 1. Application and license renewal fee. When a license is required for radioactive material or source or special nuclear material by a rule adopted under section 144.1202, subdivision 2, an application fee according to subdivision 4 must be paid upon initial application for a license. The licensee must […]
144.121 X-RAY MACHINES; OTHER SOURCES OF IONIZING RADIATION. Subdivision 1. Registration; fees. The fee for the registration for x-ray equipment and other sources of ionizing radiation required to be registered under rules adopted by the state commissioner of health pursuant to section 144.12, shall be in an amount as described in subdivision 1a pursuant to […]
144.1212 NOTICE TO PATIENT; MAMMOGRAM RESULTS. Subdivision 1. Definition. For purposes of this section, “facility” has the meaning provided in United States Code, title 42, section 263b(a)(3)(A). Subd. 2. Required notice. A facility at which a mammography examination is performed shall, if a patient is categorized by the facility as having heterogeneously dense breasts or […]
144.1215 AUTHORIZATION TO USE HANDHELD DENTAL X-RAY EQUIPMENT. Subdivision 1. Definition; handheld dental x-ray equipment. For purposes of this section, “handheld dental x-ray equipment” means x-ray equipment that is used to take dental radiographs, is designed to be handheld during operation, and is operated by an individual authorized to take dental radiographs under chapter 150A. […]