144.1481 RURAL HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Subdivision 1. Establishment; membership. The commissioner of health shall establish a 16-member Rural Health Advisory Committee. The committee shall consist of the following members, all of whom must reside outside the seven-county metropolitan area, as defined in section 473.121, subdivision 2: (1) two members from the house of representatives of […]
144.1482 OFFICE OF RURAL HEALTH. Subdivision 1. Duties. The Office of Rural Health in conjunction with the University of Minnesota medical schools and other organizations in the state which are addressing rural health care problems shall: (1) establish and maintain a clearinghouse for collecting and disseminating information on rural health care issues, research findings, and […]
144.1483 RURAL HEALTH INITIATIVES. The commissioner of health, through the Office of Rural Health, and consulting as necessary with the commissioner of human services, the commissioner of commerce, the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, and other state agencies, shall: (1) develop a detailed plan regarding the feasibility of coordinating rural health care services by organizing […]
144.1485 DATABASE ON HEALTH PERSONNEL. (a) The commissioner of health shall develop and maintain a database on health services personnel. The commissioner shall use this information to assist local communities and units of state government to develop plans for the recruitment and retention of health personnel. Information collected in the database must include, but is […]
144.1492 STATE RURAL HEALTH NETWORK REFORM INITIATIVE. Subdivision 1. Purpose and matching funds. The commissioner of health shall apply for federal grant funding under the State Rural Health Network Reform Initiative, a Health Care Financing Administration program to provide grant funds to states to encourage innovations in rural health financing and delivery systems. The commissioner […]
144.1493 NURSING GRANT PROGRAM. Subdivision 1. Establishment. A nursing grant program is established under the supervision of the commissioner of health and the administration of the Metropolitan Healthcare Foundation’s Project LINC to provide grants to Minnesota health care facility employees seeking to complete a baccalaureate or master’s degree in nursing. Subd. 2. Responsibility of Metropolitan […]
144.1501 HEALTH PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION LOAN FORGIVENESS PROGRAM. Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply. (b) “Advanced dental therapist” means an individual who is licensed as a dental therapist under section 150A.06, and who is certified as an advanced dental therapist under section 150A.106. (c) “Alcohol and drug counselor” means […]
144.1503 HOME AND COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES EMPLOYEE SCHOLARSHIP AND LOAN FORGIVENESS PROGRAM. Subdivision 1. Creation. The home and community-based services employee scholarship grant and loan forgiveness program is established for the purposes of assisting qualified provider applicants to fund employee scholarships for education in nursing and other health care fields, funding scholarships to individual home and […]
144.1505 HEALTH PROFESSIONALS CLINICAL TRAINING EXPANSION GRANT PROGRAM. Subdivision 1. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply: (1) “eligible advanced practice registered nurse program” means a program that is located in Minnesota and is currently accredited as a master’s, doctoral, or postgraduate level advanced practice registered nurse program by the Commission on […]
144.1506 PRIMARY CARE RESIDENCY EXPANSION GRANT PROGRAM. Subdivision 1. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply: (1) “eligible primary care residency program” means a program that meets the following criteria: (i) is located in Minnesota; (ii) trains medical residents in the specialties of family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, psychiatry, geriatrics, […]
144.1911 INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL GRADUATES ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Subdivision 1. Establishment. The international medical graduates assistance program is established to address barriers to practice and facilitate pathways to assist immigrant international medical graduates to integrate into the Minnesota health care delivery system, with the goal of increasing access to primary care in rural and underserved areas of […]
144.1912 GREATER MINNESOTA FAMILY MEDICINE RESIDENCY GRANT PROGRAM. Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given. (b) “Commissioner” means the commissioner of health. (c) “Eligible family medicine residency program” means a program that meets the following criteria: (1) is located in Minnesota outside the seven-county metropolitan area, […]