US Lawyer Database

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Section 144.661 — Definitions.

144.661 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Scope. For purposes of sections 144.661 to 144.665, the following terms have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. Traumatic brain injury. “Traumatic brain injury” means a sudden insult or damage to the brain or its coverings caused by an external physical force which may produce a diminished or altered state of […]

Section 144.662 — Traumatic Brain Injury And Spinal Cord Injury Registry.

144.662 TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AND SPINAL CORD INJURY REGISTRY. The commissioner of health shall establish and maintain a central registry of persons who sustain traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury. The purpose of the registry is to: (1) collect information to facilitate the development of injury prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation programs; and (2) ensure […]

Section 144.663 — Duty To Report.

144.663 DUTY TO REPORT. Subdivision 1. Establishment of reporting system. The commissioner shall design and establish a reporting system which designates either the treating hospital, medical facility, or physician to report to the department within a reasonable period of time after the identification of a person with traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury. The […]

Section 144.664 — Duties Of Commissioner.

144.664 DUTIES OF COMMISSIONER. Subdivision 1. Studies. The commissioner shall collect injury incidence information, analyze the information, and conduct special studies regarding traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury. Subd. 2. Provision of data. The commissioner shall provide summary registry data to public and private entities to conduct studies using data collected by the registry. […]

Section 144.665 — Traumatic Brain Injury And Spinal Cord Injury Data.

144.665 TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AND SPINAL CORD INJURY DATA. Data on individuals collected by the commissioner of health under sections 144.662 to 144.664 are private data on individuals as defined in section 13.02, subdivision 12, and may be used only for the purposes set forth in sections 144.662 to 144.664 in accordance with the rules […]