144.441 TUBERCULOSIS SCREENING IN SCHOOLS. Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) As used in sections 144.441 and 144.442, the terms in this subdivision have the meanings given them. (b) “Person employed by a school or school district” means a person employed by a school, school district, or by a service cooperative as a member of the instructional, […]
144.442 TESTING IN SCHOOL CLINICS. Subdivision 1. Administration; notification. In the event that the commissioner designates a school or school district under section 144.441, subdivision 2, the school or school district or community health board may administer Mantoux screening tests to some or all persons enrolled in or employed by the designated school or school […]
144.445 TUBERCULOSIS SCREENING IN CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Subdivision 1. Screening of inmates. (a) All persons detained or confined for 14 consecutive days or more in facilities operated, licensed, or inspected by the Department of Corrections shall be screened for tuberculosis with either a Mantoux test or a chest roentgenogram (x-ray) as consistent with screening and follow-up […]