144.71 PURPOSE; DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Health and safety. The purpose of sections 144.71 to 144.74 is to protect the health and safety of persons in attendance at youth camps. Subd. 2. Definition. For the purpose of such sections, a youth camp is defined as a parcel or parcels of land with permanent buildings, tents or […]
144.72 OPERATION. Subdivision 1. License required. The state commissioner of health is authorized to issue a license according to chapter 157. Subd. 2. Application. On or before June first annually, every person, partnership, limited liability company or corporation, operating or seeking to operate a youth camp, shall make application in writing to the commissioner for […]
144.73 STATE COMMISSIONER OF HEALTH, DUTIES. Subdivision 1. Inspection of camps. It shall be the duty of the state commissioner of health to make an annual inspection of each youth camp, and where, upon inspection it is found that there is a failure to protect the health and safety of the persons using the camp, […]
144.74 RULES, STANDARDS. The state commissioner of health is authorized to adopt and enforce such reasonable rules and standards as the commissioner determines necessary to protect the health and safety of persons in attendance at youth camps. Such rules and standards may include reasonable restrictions and limitations on the following: (1) camp sites and buildings, […]