145.924 AIDS PREVENTION GRANTS. (a) The commissioner may award grants to community health boards as defined in section 145A.02, subdivision 5, state agencies, state councils, or nonprofit corporations to provide evaluation and counseling services to populations at risk for acquiring human immunodeficiency virus infection, including, but not limited to, minorities, adolescents, intravenous drug users, and […]
145.925 FAMILY PLANNING GRANTS. Subdivision 1. Eligible organizations; purpose. The commissioner of health may make special grants to cities, counties, groups of cities or counties, or nonprofit corporations to provide prepregnancy family planning services. Subd. 1a. Family planning services; defined. “Family planning services” means counseling by trained personnel regarding family planning; distribution of information relating […]
145.9255 MINNESOTA EDUCATION NOW AND BABIES LATER; HEALTH. Subdivision 1. Establishment. To the extent funds are available for the purposes of this subdivision, the commissioner of health, in consultation with a representative from Minnesota planning, the commissioner of human services, and the commissioner of education, shall develop and implement the Minnesota education now and babies […]
145.9261 ABSTINENCE EDUCATION GRANT PROGRAM. The commissioner of health shall expend federal funds for abstinence education programs provided under United States Code, title 42, section 710, and state matching funds for abstinence education programs only to an abstinence education program that complies with the state plan that has been submitted to and approved by the […]
145.9265 FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME EFFECTS; DRUG-EXPOSED INFANT. The commissioner of health, in coordination with the commissioner of education and the commissioner of human services, shall design and implement a coordinated prevention effort to reduce the rates of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol effects, and reduce the number of drug-exposed infants. The commissioner shall: (1) […]
145.9266 FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME CAMPAIGN AND EDUCATION. Subdivision 1. Public awareness and education. The commissioner of health shall design and implement an ongoing statewide campaign to raise public awareness and educate the public about fetal alcohol syndrome and other effects of prenatal alcohol exposure. The campaign shall include messages directed to the general population as […]
145.9268 COMMUNITY CLINIC GRANTS. Subdivision 1. Definition. For purposes of this section, “eligible community clinic” means: (1) a nonprofit clinic that is established to provide health services to low income or rural population groups; provides medical, preventive, dental, or mental health primary care services; and utilizes a sliding fee scale or other procedure to determine […]
145.9269 FEDERALLY QUALIFIED HEALTH CENTERS. Subdivision 1. Definitions. For purposes of this section, “federally qualified health center” means an entity that is receiving a grant under United States Code, title 42, section 254b, or, based on the recommendation of the Health Resources and Services Administration within the Public Health Service, is determined by the secretary […]
145.928 ELIMINATING HEALTH DISPARITIES. Subdivision 1. Goal; establishment. It is the goal of the state to decrease the disparities in infant mortality rates and adult and child immunization rates for American Indians and populations of color, as compared with rates for whites. To do so and to achieve other measurable outcomes, the commissioner of health […]
145.929 HEALTH CARE GRANTS FOR THE UNINSURED. Subdivision 1. Dental providers. (a) A dental provider is eligible for a grant under this section if: (1) the provider is a nonprofit organization not affiliated with a hospital or medical group that offers free or reduced-cost oral health care to low-income patients under the age of 21 […]