US Lawyer Database

For Lawyer-Seekers


Section 152.0271 — Notice Of Drug Convictions; Driver’s License Revocation.

152.0271 NOTICE OF DRUG CONVICTIONS; DRIVER’S LICENSE REVOCATION. When a person is convicted of violating a provision of sections 152.021 to 152.027 and 152.0262, the sentencing court shall determine whether the person unlawfully sold or possessed the controlled substance while driving a motor vehicle. If so, the court shall notify the commissioner of public safety […]

Section 152.0273 — Synthetic Drug Sales; Mandatory Restitution.

152.0273 SYNTHETIC DRUG SALES; MANDATORY RESTITUTION. The court shall order a person convicted of selling a controlled substance or analog of a controlled substance under the false pretense that the substance is legal to pay restitution for the costs and expenses resulting from the crime. Costs and expenses include, but are not limited to, the […]

Section 152.0275 — Certain Controlled Substance Offenses; Restitution; Prohibitions On Property Use; Notice Provisions.

152.0275 CERTAIN CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE OFFENSES; RESTITUTION; PROHIBITIONS ON PROPERTY USE; NOTICE PROVISIONS. Subdivision 1. Restitution. (a) As used in this subdivision: (1) “clandestine lab site” means any structure or conveyance or outdoor location occupied or affected by conditions or chemicals typically associated with the manufacturing of methamphetamine; (2) “emergency response” includes, but is not limited […]

Section 152.028 — Permissive Inference Of Knowing Possession.

152.028 PERMISSIVE INFERENCE OF KNOWING POSSESSION. Subdivision 1. Residences. The presence of a controlled substance in open view in a room, other than a public place, under circumstances evincing an intent by one or more of the persons present to unlawfully mix, compound, package, or otherwise prepare for sale the controlled substance permits the fact […]

Section 152.029 — Public Information; School Zones, Park Zones, Public Housing Zones, And Drug Treatment Facilities.

152.029 PUBLIC INFORMATION; SCHOOL ZONES, PARK ZONES, PUBLIC HOUSING ZONES, AND DRUG TREATMENT FACILITIES. The attorney general shall disseminate information to the public relating to the penalties for committing controlled substance crimes in park zones, school zones, public housing zones, and drug treatment facilities. The attorney general shall draft a plain language version of sections […]