152.0971 TERMS. Subdivision 1. Terms. For purposes of sections 152.0971 to 152.0974, the following terms have the meanings given. Subd. 1a. Authorized agent. An “authorized agent” is an individual representing a business who is responsible for the disbursement or custody of precursor substances. Subd. 2. Furnish. “Furnish” means to sell, transfer, deliver, send, or supply […]
152.0972 PRECURSORS OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. Subdivision 1. Precursor substances. The following precursors of controlled substances are “precursor substances”: (1) phenyl-2-propanone; (2) methylamine; (3) ethylamine; (4) d-lysergic acid; (5) ergotamine tartrate; (6) diethyl malonate; (7) malonic acid; (8) hydriodic acid; (9) ethyl malonate; (10) barbituric acid; (11) piperidine; (12) n-acetylanthranilic acid; (13) pyrrolidine; (14) phenylacetic acid; […]
152.0973 REPORT OF TRANSACTION. Subdivision 1. Predelivery notice. A supplier who furnishes a precursor substance to a person in this state shall, not less than 21 days before delivery of the substance, submit to the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension a report of the transaction that includes the identification information specified in subdivision 3. Subd. 1a. […]
152.0974 EXCEPTIONS. Sections 152.0971 to 152.0974 do not apply to: (1) a pharmacist or other authorized person who sells or furnishes a precursor substance on the prescription of a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or veterinarian; (2) a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or veterinarian who administers or furnishes a precursor substance to patients; (3) a manufacturer or wholesaler […]