156.001 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Terms. Except where the context otherwise indicates, for the purposes of this chapter, and acts amendatory thereof, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. Accredited or approved college of veterinary medicine. “Accredited or approved college of veterinary medicine” means a veterinary college or division of […]
156.01 STATE BOARD OF VETERINARY MEDICINE. Subdivision 1. Creation; membership. There is hereby created a state Board of Veterinary Medicine which shall consist of two public members as defined by section 214.02 and five licensed veterinarians appointed by the governor. Each appointee shall be a resident of the state of Minnesota, and the veterinarian members […]
156.015 FEES. Subdivision 1. Verification of licensure. The board may charge a fee of $25 per license verification to a licensee for verification of licensure status provided to other veterinary licensing boards. Subd. 2. Continuing education review. The board may charge a fee of $50 per submission to a sponsor for review and approval of […]
156.02 APPLICANTS FOR LICENSE; QUALIFICATIONS. Subdivision 1. License application. Application for a license to practice veterinary medicine in this state shall be made in writing to the Board of Veterinary Medicine upon a form furnished by the board, accompanied by satisfactory evidence that the applicant is at least 18 years of age, is of good […]
156.03 EXAMINATION; PAYMENT. Upon filing the application and any other papers, affidavits, or proof that the Board of Veterinary Medicine may require, together with the payment of the application fee and appropriate examination fee as set by the board, the board shall issue to the applicant a permit to take the national examination in veterinary […]
156.04 BOARD TO ISSUE LICENSE. The Board of Veterinary Medicine shall issue to every applicant who has successfully passed the required examination, who has received a diploma conferring the degree of doctor of veterinary medicine or an equivalent degree from an accredited or approved college of veterinary medicine or an ECFVG or PAVE certificate, and […]
156.05 LICENSE. The license shall be subscribed by the president and secretary of the Board of Veterinary Medicine and have affixed to it by the director the seal of the board. History: (5851-5) 1937 c 119 s 5; 1965 c 204 s 5; 1975 c 271 s 6; 1985 c 247 s 25; 1996 c […]
156.06 LICENSE RECORDED. The license, before issued, shall be recorded in a book or computer database to be kept in the office which the Board of Veterinary Medicine shall establish for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter. These records shall be available for public inspection with proper restrictions as to their […]
156.07 LICENSE RENEWAL. Persons licensed under this chapter shall conspicuously display their license in their principal place of business. Persons now qualified to practice veterinary medicine in this state, or who shall hereafter be licensed by the Board of Veterinary Medicine to engage in the practice, shall periodically renew their license in a manner prescribed […]
156.071 REINSTATEMENT OF EXPIRED LICENSE. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, an expired license, which is suspended by the board pursuant to section 156.07, may be reinstated at any time within five years after its suspension on filing an application with the board and by payment of the renewal fee in effect on the […]
156.072 NONRESIDENTS; LICENSES. Subdivision 1. Application. A doctor of veterinary medicine duly admitted to practice in any state, commonwealth, territory, or district of the United States or province of Canada desiring permission to practice veterinary medicine in this state shall submit an application to the board upon forms prescribed by the board. Upon proof of […]
156.073 TEMPORARY PERMIT. The board may issue without examination a temporary permit to practice veterinary medicine in this state to a person who has submitted an application approved by the board for license pending examination, and holds a doctor of veterinary medicine degree or an equivalent degree from an approved or accredited college of veterinary […]
156.074 TEMPORARY LICENSE. A graduate of a nonaccredited or approved college of veterinary medicine, who has satisfactorily completed the fourth year of clinical study at an approved or accredited college of veterinary medicine and has successfully passed the national examination in veterinary medicine and the Minnesota Veterinary Jurisprudence Examination, and is enrolled in the ECFVG […]
156.075 REQUIREMENT FOR EQUINE TEETH FLOATERS. Subdivision 1. Definitions. For purposes of this section the following terms have the meanings given them. (a) “Equine teeth floating” means: (1) removal of enamel points from teeth with handheld, nonmotorized, non-air-powered files or rasps; (2) reestablishing normal molar table angles and freeing up lateral excursion and other normal […]
156.081 REVOCATION; SUSPENSION. Subdivision 1. Authority. The board may limit, suspend, or revoke the license of any person to practice veterinary medicine in this state for any of the causes provided in this section. The executive director, in all cases of disciplined licenses, shall enter on the register the fact of the disciplinary action, as […]
156.082 VETERINARY MEDICAL RECORDS. Veterinary records of a client that are maintained by a state agency, statewide system, or political subdivision are private data on individuals or nonpublic data as defined in section 13.02. History: 1996 c 415 s 16
156.10 UNLAWFUL PRACTICE WITHOUT LICENSE OR PERMIT; GROSS MISDEMEANOR. It is a gross misdemeanor for any person to practice veterinary medicine in the state without having first secured a veterinary license or temporary permit, as provided in this chapter. History: (5851-10) 1937 c 119 s 10; 1976 c 285 s 10; 1996 c 415 s […]
156.11 FIRMS NOT TO PRACTICE. (a) It is unlawful in Minnesota for any firm, other than one organized pursuant to chapter 319B, to practice veterinary medicine, or to hold itself out or advertise itself in any way as being entitled to practice veterinary medicine, or to receive compensation derived from the practice of veterinary medicine […]
156.12 PRACTICE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE. Subdivision 1. Practice. The practice of veterinary medicine, as used in this chapter, shall mean the diagnosis, treatment, correction, relief, or prevention of animal disease, deformity, defect, injury, or other physical or mental conditions; the performance of obstetrical procedures for animals, including determination of pregnancy and correction of sterility or […]
156.121 FACILITY INSPECTION. The executive director, or an authorized representative of the board may, in response to a complaint, inspect a facility in which veterinary medicine is practiced, at any time during which the facility is open for business, to ensure compliance with the requirements of this chapter and the regulations of the board. History: […]