17.01 CREATION OF DEPARTMENT; COMMISSIONER; DEPUTY. There is created a Department of Agriculture, which shall be in the charge of a commissioner of agriculture, in this chapter called the commissioner, who shall be appointed by the governor under the provisions of section 15.06. Before entering upon the duties of office, the commissioner shall take the […]
17.013 DELEGATIONS OF POWERS TO DEPUTY COMMISSIONER. The commissioner of agriculture may designate the deputy commissioner of agriculture to act in the commissioner’s stead as a member, with all the commissioner’s rights and privileges therein, of any board, committee or commission that the commissioner is made a member of by law. The designation shall be […]
17.03 POWERS AND DUTIES OF COMMISSIONER. Subdivision 1. Development of agricultural industries. The commissioner shall encourage and promote the development of agricultural industries, investigate marketing conditions affecting the marketing of farm products, and assist farmers, producers, and consumers in the organization and management of cooperative enterprises and the cooperative marketing of farm products; advise and […]