27.001 PUBLIC POLICY. The legislature recognizes that perishable farm products are important sources of revenue to a large number of citizens of this state engaged in producing, processing, manufacturing, or selling such products and that such products cannot be repossessed in case of default. It is therefore declared to be the policy of the legislature […]
27.01 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. [Repealed, 1996 c 310 s 1] Subd. 2. Perishable farm products. “Perishable farm products” means: (1) produce, including fresh fruits, vegetables, and mushrooms; (2) milk and cream and products manufactured from milk and cream; and (3) poultry and poultry products, including eggs. Subd. 3. [Repealed, 1996 c 310 s 1] Subd. […]
27.03 DEALER REGULATION. Subdivision 1. MS 2018 [Repealed, 2020 c 89 art 1 s 21] Subd. 2. [Repealed, 1986 c 322 s 4] Subd. 3. Brokers. (a) A farm products dealer operating as a broker, upon negotiating the sale of perishable farm products, must issue to both buyer and seller a written memorandum of sale […]
27.0405 INVESTIGATIONS. Subdivision 1. Production and review of information. (a) Upon special order, the commissioner may require a farm products dealer to file at the time and in the manner the commissioner directs, sworn or unsworn reports or answers in writing to specific questions on any matter which the commissioner may investigate. (b) For the […]
27.06 COMPLAINTS TO COMMISSIONER, HEARING; SALES CONTRACT. A person claiming to be damaged by a breach of the conditions of a sales contract may submit a complaint to the commissioner within 40 days after the due date. The complaint must be a written statement of the facts constituting the complaint. After receiving a filed complaint, […]
27.069 DEFINITION OF PRODUCE. For the purposes of Minnesota Statutes 1961, sections 27.07 to 27.10, and acts amendatory thereof, the term “produce” means decorative forest products and the products of farms and waters of this state. History: 1965 c 787 s 2
27.07 GRADES ESTABLISHED; INSPECTION. Subdivision 1. Commissioner’s power. The commissioner shall have power to establish grades on all perishable farm products and when necessary shall provide for inspecting and grading perishable farm products subject to sale at marketing points within the state as the commissioner may designate. Subd. 2. Certificates. The commissioner shall issue certificates […]
27.08 FILING BRAND OR LABEL; PERMIT. Any person producing, manufacturing, or handling perishable farm products in this state, except cheese and butter, and preparing, packing, and offering perishable farm products for sale, may file with the commissioner a brand or label. The applicant may place upon this brand or label a descriptive or locative matter, […]
27.09 INSPECTION. When perishable farm products are ready for sale, or are on the way to market, the owner, conveyor, prospective buyer, or any other person with an interest in the perishable farm products may request an inspection of the perishable farm products under section 27.07. History: (6240-18 1/2h) 1931 c 394 s 9; 2020 […]
27.10 PERISHABLE FARM PRODUCTS EXAMINATION. (a) When perishable farm products are shipped to or received by a farm products dealer for handling, purchase, or sale in this state, and the farm products dealer finds the perishable farm products to be in a spoiled, damaged, unmarketable, or unsatisfactory condition, the dealer must have the perishable farm […]
27.11 SHIPMENTS ON CONSIGNMENT. When any farm products dealer to whom perishable farm products have been shipped or consigned for sale on a commission basis or on consignment or under any circumstances where the title to the perishable farm products remains with the shipper, the dealer must, within a reasonable time, report to the shipper […]
27.12 SHIPPER MAY COMPLAIN TO COMMISSIONER. When a shipper, after demand therefor, shall have received no remittance or report of sale, or shall be dissatisfied with the remittance, sale, or report, the shipper may complain in writing to the commissioner, who shall investigate the matter complained of. History: (6240-18 1/2k) 1931 c 394 s 12; […]
27.13 INVESTIGATION OF COMPLAINTS. (a) The commissioner is authorized to: (1) receive complaints against any person dealing in, shipping, transporting, storing, or selling perishable farm products; (2) make any and all necessary investigations relative to the handling of, or storing, shipping, or dealing in perishable farm products; and (3) enter with reasonable notice all buildings, […]
27.131 MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION. A contract for perishable farm products between a buyer and a seller must contain language providing for resolution of contract disputes by either mediation or arbitration. If there is a contract dispute, either party may make a written request to the commissioner for mediation or arbitration, as specified in the contract […]
27.133 PARENT COMPANY LIABILITY. If a farm products dealer is a subsidiary of another corporation, partnership, or association, the parent corporation, partnership, or association is liable to a seller for the amount of any unpaid claim or contract performance claim if the farm products dealer fails to pay or perform according to the terms of […]
27.137 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Applicability. The definitions in this section apply to this section and section 27.138. Subd. 2. [Repealed, 1996 c 310 s 1] Subd. 3. [Repealed, 1996 c 310 s 1] Subd. 4. [Repealed, 1996 c 310 s 1] Subd. 5. Proceeds. “Proceeds” means whatever is received upon the sale, exchange, collection, or […]
27.138 FARM PRODUCTS DEALERS’ TRUST. Subdivision 1. Trust establishment and maintenance. (a) A farm products dealer’s perishable farm products and manufactured farm products and proceeds related to the sale of a farm products dealer’s perishable farm products or manufactured farm products are held in trust for the benefit of unpaid sellers. (b) The trust assets […]
27.14 RULES. In the manner provided by law, the commissioner, from time to time, shall make and publish uniform rules, not inconsistent with law, for carrying out and enforcing the provisions of sections 27.01 to 27.14 and 27.19 and governing the rates charged by, and the buying, selling, advertising and trading practices of, dealers at […]
27.19 VIOLATIONS, PENALTIES. Subdivision 1. Prohibited acts. (a) A person subject to the provisions of this section and sections 27.01 to 27.14 must not: (1) make any false statement or report as to the grade, condition, markings, quality, or quantity of produce, as defined in section 27.069, received or delivered, or act in any manner […]