176.139 NOTICE OF RIGHTS POSTED. Subdivision 1. Posting requirement. All employers required or electing to carry workers’ compensation coverage in the state of Minnesota shall post and display in a conspicuous location a notice, in a form approved by the commissioner, advising employees of their rights and obligations under this chapter, assistance available to them, […]
176.141 NOTICE OF INJURY. Unless the employer has actual knowledge of the occurrence of the injury or unless the injured worker, or a dependent or someone in behalf of either, gives written notice thereof to the employer within 14 days after the occurrence of the injury, then no compensation shall be due until the notice […]
176.145 SERVICE OF NOTICE, FORM. The notice referred to in section 176.141 may be served personally upon the employer, or upon any agent of the employer upon whom a summons may be served in a civil action, or by sending it by certified mail to the employer at the last known residence or business place […]
176.235 NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS AND INJURED EMPLOYEE OF RIGHTS AND DUTIES. Subdivision 1. Employee brochure. When the commissioner of labor and industry has received notice or information that an employee has sustained an injury which may be compensable under this chapter, the commissioner of labor and industry shall mail a brochure, written in language easily […]
176.238 NOTICE OF DISCONTINUANCE OF COMPENSATION. Subdivision 1. Necessity for notice and showing; contents. Except as provided in section 176.221, subdivision 1, once the employer has commenced payment of benefits, the employer may not discontinue payment of compensation until it provides the employee with notice in writing of intention to do so. A copy of […]