Section 181A.01 — Citation.
181A.01 CITATION. Sections 181A.01 to 181A.12 may be cited as the “Child Labor Standards Act.” History: 1974 c 432 s 1
181A.01 CITATION. Sections 181A.01 to 181A.12 may be cited as the “Child Labor Standards Act.” History: 1974 c 432 s 1
181A.02 PURPOSE. The purpose of sections 181A.01 to 181A.12 is to aid in the economic, social and educational development of young people through employment. Work is an integral factor in providing a sense of purpose, direction, and self-esteem necessary to the overall physical and mental health of an individual. Young people, especially those who have […]
181A.03 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. General. As used in sections 181A.01 to 181A.12, the terms defined in this section shall have the following meanings. Subd. 2. Department. “Department” means the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. Subd. 3. Division. “Division” means the Division of Labor Standards within the department. Subd. 4. Commissioner. “Commissioner” means the commissioner […]
181A.04 MINIMUM AGE AND MAXIMUM HOURS. Subdivision 1. Minimum age. No minors under the age of 14 shall be permitted employment in this state except as authorized by section 181A.07. Subd. 2. During school. On school days, during school hours, no minor under the age of 16 years shall be permitted employment except as provided […]
181A.05 EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATES. Subdivision 1. When issued. Any minor 14 or 15 years of age who wishes to work on school days during school hours shall first secure an employment certificate. The certificate shall be issued only by the school district superintendent, the superintendent’s agent, or some other person designated by the Board of Education. […]
181A.06 AGE CERTIFICATES. Subdivision 1. Proof of age. Every employer shall require proof of the age of any minor employee or prospective employee by requiring the minor to submit an age certificate, a copy of the minor’s birth record, a copy of the minor’s driver’s license, or a United States Department of Homeland Security Citizenship […]
181A.07 EXEMPTIONS. Subdivision 1. Agricultural operations. Minors employed in corn detasseling operations and other agricultural operations, with the permission of their parents or guardian, shall be exempt from the provisions of section 181A.04, subdivision 4. Such minors 12 years of age or older are exempt from the age provision of section 181A.04, subdivision 1. Subd. […]
181A.08 POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE DEPARTMENT. Subdivision 1. Inspections. The commissioner, an authorized representative, or any truant officer may enter and inspect the place of business or employment and may interview any employees, of any employer of employees in any occupation in the state, all for the purpose of ascertaining whether any minors are […]
181A.09 POWER TO MAKE RULES. Subdivision 1. General. The commissioner shall make, revise and promulgate such rules, including definitions of terms, as the commissioner shall deem appropriate to carry out the purposes of sections 181A.01 to 181A.12 and to prevent the circumvention or evasion thereof. Subd. 2. List of hazardous occupations. The commissioner shall, by […]
181A.10 JUDICIAL REVIEW. Subdivision 1. Petition. Any person who may be aggrieved by any administrative rule issued pursuant to section 181A.09 may obtain a review thereof in the district court for Ramsey County, by filing in such court a written petition for declaratory judgment praying that the rule be modified or set aside. A copy […]
181A.11 AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT. Nothing in sections 181A.01 to 181A.12 shall prohibit a person from employing a child in any agricultural pursuit permitted under the United States Code, title 29, section 213(c)(2). History: 1974 c 432 s 11
181A.112 DATA ON INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE MINORS. (a) When the commissioner collects, creates, receives, maintains, or disseminates the following data on individuals who the commissioner knows are minors, the data are considered private data on individuals, as defined in section 13.02, subdivision 12, except for data classified as public data according to section 13.43: (1) […]
181A.115 PROHIBITED EMPLOYMENT RELATING TO PRESENCE OF LIQUOR. No minor under the age of 18 shall be employed in any rooms constituting the place in which intoxicating liquors or 3.2 percent malt liquors are served or consumed or in any tasks involving the serving, dispensing, or handling of such liquors that are consumed on the […]
181A.116 OPERATION OF LAWN CARE EQUIPMENT. (a) Notwithstanding section 181A.04, subdivision 5, minors of at least 16 years of age may be employed to operate lawn care equipment. For the purposes of this section, “lawn care equipment” means lawn trimmers, weed cutters, and machines designed to cut grass and weeds that meet safety specifications of […]
181A.12 PENALTIES. Subdivision 1. Fines; penalty. (a) Any employer who hinders or delays the department or its authorized representative in the performance of its duties under sections 181A.01 to 181A.12 or refuses to admit the commissioner or an authorized representative to any place of employment or refuses to make certificates or lists available as required […]