191.05 GOVERNOR MAY CALL MILITIA. Whenever the governor deems it necessary for any purpose authorized by the state constitution or by law, may by public proclamation call out the militia or such part or number thereof as the governor may designate for military duty in the service of the state, and may provide for the […]
191.06 ENLISTMENT. Subdivision 1. Period. Militia members called out for duty shall be mustered at once into the service of the state for such period as the governor shall direct, not exceeding the duration of the war or other occasion for which they were called out and for six months thereafter. Subd. 2. National Guard […]
191.07 DESERTER. Every militia member who, being accepted as a volunteer or duly drafted, fails without reasonable excuse to report for muster as lawfully required shall be considered and treated as a deserter. History: (2406) 1921 c 506 s 12; 1943 c 108 s 5; 1986 c 444
191.08 CONSTRUCTION OF LAWS 1943, CHAPTER 108. Nothing in Laws 1943, chapter 108, shall be construed as authorizing the military forces of the state or any part thereof to be called, ordered, or in any manner inducted as such into the military service of the United States, except the National Guard and other forces expressly […]