192.89 INTERSTATE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE COMPACT. Subdivision 1. Article I – purpose and authorities. This compact is made and entered into by and between the participating member states which enact this compact, hereinafter called party states. For the purposes of this agreement, the term “states” is taken to mean the several states, the Commonwealth of […]
192.90 INTERSTATE ASSISTANCE BY MINNESOTA RESPONDS MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS. Subdivision 1. Status as officers or employees. When another state or other jurisdiction participating in the Interstate Emergency Management Assistance Compact requests health assistance, this state’s authorized representative under section 192.89, subdivision 3, may request Minnesota Responds Medical Reserve Corps volunteers through the commissioner of health. […]
192.91 INTERSTATE ASSISTANCE BY LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. Subdivision 1. Authorization. A political subdivision may provide interstate assistance pursuant to section 192.89. Subd. 2. Liability. Employees or officers of a political subdivision providing assistance under section 192.89 are “employees of the state” as described in section 3.736. Subd. 3. Limitation. When providing assistance under section 192.89, a […]