193.139 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Scope. For the purposes of sections 193.141 to 193.149, the terms defined in this section have the meanings ascribed to them. Subd. 2. Municipality. “Municipality” includes cities. Subd. 3. Corporation. “Corporation” means the Minnesota State Armory Building Commission created as a corporation by section 193.142, subdivision 1. Subd. 4. Armory. “Armory” […]
193.141 CONSTRUCTION OF ARMORIES. Subdivision 1. Construction by counties or municipalities. In any county or municipality of this state in which there shall at the time be stationed one or more units of the National Guard, and in which the adjutant general shall deem it necessary or expedient to construct an armory, an armory may […]
193.142 MINNESOTA STATE ARMORY BUILDING COMMISSION. Subdivision 1. Corporation created; officers. For the purpose of constructing armories as provided by section 193.141, there shall be created a corporation to be known as the “Minnesota State Armory Building Commission.” The members and governing body of such corporation shall be the adjutant general and not less than […]
193.143 STATE ARMORY BUILDING COMMISSION, POWERS. Such corporation, subject to the conditions and limitations prescribed in sections 193.141 to 193.149, shall possess all the powers of a body corporate necessary and convenient to accomplish the objectives and perform the duties prescribed by sections 193.141 to 193.149, including the following, which shall not be construed as […]
193.144 SITE. Subdivision 1. Authority to provide site. Any county or municipality as defined in section 471.345, subdivision 1, desiring to construct a new armory may provide a site therefor as hereinafter provided. Subd. 2. Acquisition of site; conveyance to corporation. If such county or municipality as defined in section 471.345, subdivision 1, shall desire […]
193.145 FUNDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ARMORY; TAX LEVY. Subdivision 1. [Repealed, 1996 c 310 s 1] Subd. 2. Tax levy. A county or municipality, as defined in section 471.345, subdivision 1, in which an armory has been constructed or is to be constructed hereunder may by resolution of its governing body irrevocably provide for levying […]
193.146 ISSUANCE OF BONDS. Subdivision 1. Authority to issue. In anticipation of the receipt of such corporation of the tax proceeds, appropriations, rents, and profits specified in section 193.145, and of income from any other source, and for the purpose of securing funds as needed for payment of the cost of such new armories and […]
193.147 MORTGAGE. To secure the prompt and full payment of such bonds and interest thereon such corporation may mortgage such armory building and the site thereof and may pledge the income or any part thereof receivable by such corporation to any trustee under such provisions that upon default in the payment of the principal or […]
193.148 CONVEYANCE TO STATE. When payment has been made of all indebtedness incurred by such corporation or of all funds spent by the corporation incident to the procurement, erection, equipment, and operation of any armory built under the provisions of sections 193.141 to 193.149, including the payment in full of the principal and interest of […]
193.149 EXAMINATION BY LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR. The books and affairs of such corporation shall be subject to examination by the legislative auditor. History: 1947 c 133 s 9; 1973 c 492 s 14; 1977 c 347 s 33
193.22 JOINT ARMORIES AND MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS. Whenever a company of the National Guard shall be located in a city wherein no suitable armory has been provided for its use, an armory may be constructed for use jointly by such company or battery and by such city. The mayor or president of the council of such […]
193.23 STATE AID. Subdivision 1. Prerequisites. Whenever such joint armory commission shall have deposited with the commissioner of management and budget at least $1,000 as evidence of good faith and shall have caused to be conveyed to the state of Minnesota by warranty deed, free of encumbrances, the title to the site for an armory, […]
193.27 DISPOSITION OF UNUSED FUNDS. In any county or municipality in this state, however organized, in which there have heretofore been bond issues or tax levies made for the construction of a public armory building in such county or municipality, which armory building has not been constructed and the moneys received from such bonds issued […]
193.29 CONTROL OF NEW ARMORY. Subdivision 1. Armory board. The control operation and use of each armory building and grounds occupied by any of the military forces of the state shall be vested in an armory board consisting of officers, warrant officers, or enlisted personnel representing the organization or organizations quartered therein, as hereinafter provided, […]
193.30 MANAGEMENT OF ARMORY BOARD. The senior member on each armory board shall be the chair, and the junior member thereof shall be the recorder. A record of the proceedings of the board shall be kept, and all motions offered, whether seconded or not, shall be put to a vote and the result recorded. In […]
193.31 CONTROL OF DRILL HALL. The senior member of any company or other organization assembling at an armory for drill or instruction shall have control of the drill hall or other portion of the premises used therefor during such occupancy, subject to the rules prescribed for its use and the orders of that member’s superior. […]
193.331 LIQUOR IN ARMORIES; PENALTY. Except with the express consent and in accordance with the rules of the adjutant general, every person who introduces a spirituous, vinous, or malt liquor into an armory or arsenal, unless under prescription of a medical officer of the guard and only for medical purposes is guilty of a misdemeanor. […]
193.34 USE OF ARMORIES BY PATRIOTIC AND SERVICE MEMBER’S ORGANIZATIONS. The use of armories for the regular meetings or functions of those patriotic societies or recognized military service members organizations holding charters from Congress or incorporated in this state shall be granted by the armory board or officer in charge of any armory at such […]
193.36 UNUSED ARMORIES. Subdivision 1. Adjutant general may close. Whenever the unit or units of the military forces of the state which are quartered in an armory acquired or erected in whole or in part by state funds have been called or ordered into federal service or have been mustered out of the service of […]
193.37 COUNTIES CONTAINING CITY OF FIRST CLASS; APPLICATION. Laws 1969, chapter 40, sections 1 to 10, authorizing county participation shall not apply to any county containing a city of the first class. History: 1969 c 40 s 11