205.01 MS 1957 [Repealed, 1959 c 675 art 13 s 1] 205.01 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Applicability. The definitions in chapter 200 and in this section apply to this chapter. Subd. 2. Municipal election. “Municipal election” means an election held in any municipality at which the voters of the municipality nominate or choose by ballot any […]
205.02 MS 1957 [Repealed, 1959 c 675 art 13 s 1] 205.02 STATUTES APPLICABLE. Subdivision 1. Minnesota Election Law. Except as provided in this chapter the provisions of the Minnesota Election Law apply to municipal elections, so far as practicable. Subd. 2. City elections. In all statutory and home rule charter cities, the primary, general […]
205.065 PRIMARIES. Subdivision 1. Establishing primary. A municipal primary for the purpose of nominating elective officers may be held in any city on the second Tuesday in August of any year in which a municipal general election is to be held for the purpose of electing officers. The date of a municipal primary held in […]
205.07 MS 1957 [Repealed, 1959 c 675 art 13 s 1] 205.07 CITY GENERAL ELECTION. Subdivision 1. Date of election. The municipal general election in each city shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in every even-numbered year. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary and subject to […]
205.075 TOWN GENERAL ELECTION. Subdivision 1. Date of election. The general election in a town must be held on the second Tuesday in March, except as provided in subdivision 2 or when moved for bad weather as provided in section 365.51, subdivision 1. Subd. 2. Alternate date. A town may, by resolution or ordinance, designate […]
205.10 MS 1957 [Repealed, 1959 c 675 art 13 s 1] 205.10 MUNICIPAL SPECIAL ELECTIONS. Subdivision 1. Questions. Special elections may be held in a city or town on a question on which the voters are authorized by law or charter to pass judgment. A special election may be ordered by the governing body of […]
205.105 POSTPONEMENT OF ELECTION; INCLEMENT WEATHER. Subdivision 1. Applicability. This section applies to a primary, special, or general election held in a city that is not held in conjunction with a state or federal election, and to town elections when postponement of the town election is not subject to section 365.51. Subd. 2. Postponement of […]
205.121 NOMINATING PETITIONS; CITIES OF FIRST CLASS; SIGNATURES. A nominating petition filed on behalf of a candidate for municipal office in a city of the first class shall be signed by eligible voters who maintain residence in the election district from which the candidate is to be elected. The number of signers shall equal 500, […]
205.13 MS 1957 [Repealed, 1959 c 675 art 13 s 1] 205.13 CANDIDATES, FILING. Subdivision 1. Affidavit of candidacy. An individual who is eligible and desires to become a candidate for an office to be voted for at the municipal general election shall file an affidavit of candidacy with the municipal clerk. Candidates for a […]
205.16 MS 1957 [Repealed, 1959 c 675 art 13 s 1] 205.16 NOTICE. Subdivision 1. Publication and posting. In every municipality, the municipal clerk shall, except as otherwise provided in this section, give two weeks’ published notice, and may also give ten days’ posted notice, of the election, stating the time of the election, the […]
205.17 MS 1957 [Repealed, 1959 c 675 art 13 s 1] 205.17 BALLOTS. Subdivision 1. Municipal offices; questions; general election ballot. In all statutory and home rule charter cities, and in all towns, the municipal clerk shall have printed the official ballot containing the names of all candidates for municipal offices and municipal ballot questions. […]
205.175 VOTING HOURS. Subdivision 1. Minimum voting hours. In all municipal elections, the polling places will remain open for voting from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Subd. 2. Metropolitan area municipalities. The governing body of a municipality which is located within a metropolitan county included in the definition of metropolitan area in section 200.02, subdivision […]
205.185 PROCEDURE. Subdivision 1. Materials, ballots. The municipal clerk shall prepare and have printed the necessary election materials, including ballots, for a municipal election. Subd. 2. Election, conduct. A municipal election shall be by secret ballot and shall be held and the returns made in the manner provided for the state general election, except as […]
205.84 REDISTRICTING; CITIES WITH WARDS. Subdivision 1. General provisions. (a) In a city electing council members by wards, wards shall be as equal in population as practicable and each ward shall be composed of compact, contiguous territory. Each council member shall be a resident of the ward for which elected, but, except as otherwise provided […]