216B.25 FURTHER ACTION ON PREVIOUS ORDER. The commission may at any time, on its own motion or upon motion of an interested party, and upon notice to the public utility and after opportunity to be heard, rescind, alter, or amend any order fixing rates, tolls, charges, or schedules, or any other order made by the […]
216B.26 ORDER; EFFECTIVE DATE. Every decision made by the commission constituting an order or determination is in force and effective 20 days after it has been filed and has been served by personal delivery, electronic service as provided in section 216.17, or by mailing a copy thereof to all parties to the proceeding in which […]
216B.27 REHEARING; CONDITION PRECEDENT TO JUDICIAL REVIEW. Subdivision 1. Applying for rehearing. Within 20 days after the service by the commission of any decision constituting an order or determination, any party to the proceeding and any other person, aggrieved by the decision and directly affected thereby, may apply to the commission for a rehearing in […]
216B.28 SUBPOENA; WITNESS FEE AND MILEAGE. The commission and each commissioner, or the secretary of the commission may issue subpoenas and all necessary processes in proceedings pending before it; and each process shall extend to all parts of the state and may be served by any person authorized to serve processes of courts of record. […]
216B.29 HEARING AND SUBPOENA COMPLIANCE POWERS. The commission and each of the commissioners or authorized examiner, for the purpose mentioned in Laws 1974, chapter 429, may administer oaths and examine witnesses. In case of failure on the part of any person to comply with any subpoena, or in the case of the refusal of any […]
216B.30 DEPOSITION. The commission or any party to the proceedings may, in any investigation or hearing before the commission, cause the deposition of witnesses residing within or without the state to be taken in the manner prescribed by law for taking depositions in civil actions in the district court. History: 1974 c 429 s 30
216B.31 TESTIMONY AND PRODUCTION OF RECORDS; PERJURY. No person shall be excused from testifying or from producing any book, document, paper, or account in any investigation, or inquiry by, or hearing before, the commission or any commissioner, or person designated by it to conduct hearings, when ordered to do so, upon the ground that the […]
216B.32 CERTIFIED COPY OF DOCUMENT AS EVIDENCE. Copies of official documents and orders filed or deposited according to law in the office of the commission, certified by a commissioner or by the secretary under the official seal of the commission to be true copies of the original shall be evidence in like manner as the […]
216B.33 COMMISSION RULING WRITTEN, FILED, AND CERTIFIED. Every order, finding, authorization, or certificate issued or approved by the commission under this chapter must be in writing and retained in the commission’s official record system. A certificate under the seal of the commission that any order, finding, authorization, or certificate has not been modified, stayed, suspended, […]
216B.34 PUBLIC RECORDS. All decisions, transcripts, and orders of the commission shall be public records. History: 1974 c 429 s 34
216B.35 TRANSCRIBED RECORD. A full and complete record shall be kept of all proceedings at any formal hearing had before the commission or any commissioner or hearing examiner and all testimony shall be taken down by a reporter appointed by the commission. A copy of the transcript shall be furnished on demand to any party […]